Source code for sporco.pgm.pgm

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2016-2020 by Cristina Garcia-Cardona <>
#                            Brendt Wohlberg <>
# All rights reserved. BSD 3-clause License.
# This file is part of the SPORCO package. Details of the copyright
# and user license can be found in the 'LICENSE.txt' file distributed
# with the package.

"""Base classes for PGM algorithms."""

from __future__ import division, print_function
from builtins import range

import copy
import numpy as np

from sporco.cdict import ConstrainedDict
from sporco.common import IterativeSolver, solve_status_str
from sporco.fft import rfftn, irfftn
from sporco.array import transpose_ntpl_list
from sporco.util import Timer

from .backtrack import BacktrackRobust
from .momentum import MomentumNesterov
from .stepsize import StepSizePolicyBB

__author__ = """Cristina Garcia-Cardona <>"""

__all__ = ['PGM', 'PGMDFT']

[docs] class PGM(IterativeSolver): r"""Base class for Proximal Gradient Method (PGM) algorithms (see for example Ch. 10 of :cite:`beck-2017-first` and Sec. 4.2 and 4.3 of :cite:`parikh-2014-proximal`). Algorithms such as FISTA :cite:`beck-2009-fast` and a robust variant of FISTA :cite:`florea-2017-robust` are also supported. Solve optimisation problems of the form .. math:: \mathrm{argmin}_{\mathbf{x}} \; f(\mathbf{x}) + g(\mathbf{x}) \;\;, where :math:`f, g` are convex functions and :math:`f` is smooth. This class is intended to be a base class of other classes that specialise to specific optimisation problems. After termination of the :meth:`solve` method, attribute :attr:`itstat` is a list of tuples representing statistics of each iteration. The default fields of the named tuple ``IterationStats`` are: ``Iter`` : Iteration number ``ObjFun`` : Objective function value ``FVal`` : Value of smooth objective function component :math:`f` ``GVal`` : Value of objective function component :math:`g` ``F_Btrack`` : Value of objective function :math:`f + g` (see Sec. 2.2 of :cite:`beck-2009-fast`) when backtracking ``Q_Btrack`` : Value of Quadratic approximation :math:`Q_L` (see Sec. 2.3 of :cite:`beck-2009-fast`) when backtracking ``IterBtrack`` : Number of iterations in backtracking ``Rsdl`` : Residual ``L`` : Inverse of gradient step parameter ``Time`` : Cumulative run time """
[docs] class Options(ConstrainedDict): r"""PGM algorithm options. Options: ``FastSolve`` : Flag determining whether non-essential computation is skipped. When ``FastSolve`` is ``True`` and ``Verbose`` is ``False``, the functional value and related iteration statistics are not computed. If ``FastSolve`` is ``True`` residuals are also not calculated, in which case the residual-based stopping method is also disabled, with the number of iterations determined only by ``MaxMainIter``. ``Verbose`` : Flag determining whether iteration status is displayed. ``StatusHeader`` : Flag determining whether status header and separator are displayed. ``DataType`` : Specify data type for solution variables, e.g. ``np.float32``. ``X0`` : Initial value for X variable. ``Callback`` : Callback function to be called at the end of every iteration. ``MaxMainIter`` : Maximum main iterations. ``IterTimer`` : Label of the timer to use for iteration times. ``RelStopTol`` : Relative convergence tolerance for fixed point residual (see Sec. 4.3 of :cite:`liu-2018-first`). ``L`` : Inverse of gradient step parameter :math:`L`. ``AutoStop`` : Options for adaptive stopping strategy (fixed point residual, see Sec. 4.3 of :cite:`liu-2018-first`). ``Enabled`` : Flag determining whether the adaptive stopping relative parameter strategy is enabled. ``Tau0`` : numerator in adaptive criterion (:math:`\tau_0` in :cite:`liu-2018-first`). ``Monotone`` : Flag determining whether a monotone PGM version from :cite:`beck-2009-tv` is used. Default is False. ``Momentum`` : Momentum coefficient adaptation object. Standard options are Nesterov :cite:`beck-2009-fast` (:class:`.MomentumNesterov`), Linear :cite:`chambolle-2015-convergence` (:class:`.MomentumLinear`), and GenLinear :cite:`rodriguez-2019-convergence` (:class:`.MomentumGenLinear`), but a custom class derived from :class:`.MomentumBase` may also be specified. Default is :class:`.MomentumNesterov`. ``StepSizePolicy`` : non-iterative L adaptation object. Standard options are Cauchy :cite:`yuan-2008-stepsize` Sec. 3 (:class:`.StepSizePolicyCauchy`), and Barzilai-Borwein :cite:`barzilai-1988-stepsize` (:class:`.StepSizePolicyBB`), but a custom class derived from :class:`.StepSizePolicyBase` may also be specified. Default is None, no non-iterative L adaptation. Note that in case that both step size and Backtrack strategies are enabled only Backtrack will be used. ``Backtrack`` : PGM backtracking options. Options are Standard :cite:`beck-2009-fast` (:class:`.BacktrackStandard`) and Robust :cite:`florea-2017-robust` (:class:`.BacktrackRobust`), but a custom class derived from :class:`.BacktrackBase` may also be specified. Default is None, no backtracking. Note that in case that both step size and Backtrack strategies are enabled only Backtrack will be used. """ defaults = {'FastSolve': False, 'Verbose': False, 'StatusHeader': True, 'DataType': None, 'X0': None, 'Callback': None, 'MaxMainIter': 1000, 'IterTimer': 'solve', 'RelStopTol': 1e-3, 'L': None, 'AutoStop': {'Enabled': False, 'Tau0': 1e-2}, 'Monotone': False, 'Momentum': MomentumNesterov(), 'StepSizePolicy': None, 'Backtrack': None} def __init__(self, opt=None): """ Parameters ---------- opt : dict or None, optional (default None) PGM algorithm options """ if opt is None: opt = {} ConstrainedDict.__init__(self, opt)
fwiter = 4 """Field width for iteration count display column""" fpothr = 2 """Field precision for other display columns""" itstat_fields_objfn = ('ObjFun', 'FVal', 'GVal') """Fields in IterationStats associated with the objective function; see :meth:`eval_objfun`""" itstat_fields_alg = ('Rsdl', 'F_Btrack', 'Q_Btrack', 'IterBTrack', 'L') """Fields in IterationStats associated with the specific solver algorithm""" itstat_fields_extra = () """Non-standard fields in IterationStats; see :meth:`itstat_extra`""" hdrtxt_objfn = ('Fnc', 'f', 'g') """Display column headers associated with the objective function; see :meth:`eval_objfun`""" hdrval_objfun = {'Fnc': 'ObjFun', 'f': 'FVal', 'g': 'GVal'} """Dictionary mapping display column headers in :attr:`hdrtxt_objfn` to IterationStats entries""" def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): """Create a PGM object and start its initialisation timer.""" instance = super(PGM, cls).__new__(cls) instance.timer = Timer(['init', 'solve', 'solve_wo_func', 'solve_wo_rsdl', 'solve_wo_btrack']) instance.timer.start('init') return instance def __init__(self, xshape, dtype, opt=None): r""" Parameters ---------- xshape : tuple of ints Shape of working variable X dtype : data-type Data type for working variables (overridden by 'DataType' option) opt : :class:`PGM.Options` object Algorithm options """ if opt is None: opt = PGM.Options() if not isinstance(opt, PGM.Options): raise TypeError("Parameter opt must be an instance of " "PGM.Options") self.opt = opt # DataType option overrides data type inferred from __init__ # parameters of derived class self.set_dtype(opt, dtype) # Initialise attributes representing step parameter and other # parameters self.set_attr('L', opt['L'], dval=1.0, dtype=self.dtype) # Configure policy for step size # Step size policy is turned off if Backtrack is enabled self.stepsizepolicy = self.opt['StepSizePolicy'] if self.opt['Backtrack'] is not None: self.stepsizepolicy = None # Configure Momentum coefficients self.momentum = self.opt['Momentum'] # If using adaptative stop criterion, set tau0 parameter if self.opt['AutoStop', 'Enabled']: self.tau0 = self.opt['AutoStop', 'Tau0'] # Initialise working variable X if self.opt['X0'] is None: self.X = self.xinit(xshape) else: self.X = self.opt['X0'].astype(self.dtype, copy=True) # Default values for variables created only if Backtrack is enabled self.F = None self.Q = None self.iterBTrack = None self.backtrack = self.opt['Backtrack'] self.Y = None self.itstat = [] self.k = 0 self.t = 1
[docs] def xinit(self, xshape): """Return initialiser for working variable X.""" return np.zeros(xshape, dtype=self.dtype)
[docs] def solve(self): """Start (or re-start) optimisation. This method implements the framework for the iterations of a PGM algorithm. There is sufficient flexibility in overriding the component methods that it calls that it is usually not necessary to override this method in derived clases. If option ``Verbose`` is ``True``, the progress of the optimisation is displayed at every iteration. At termination of this method, attribute :attr:`itstat` is a list of tuples representing statistics of each iteration, unless option ``FastSolve`` is ``True`` and option ``Verbose`` is ``False``. Attribute :attr:`timer` is an instance of :class:`.util.Timer` that provides the following labelled timers: ``init``: Time taken for object initialisation by :meth:`__init__` ``solve``: Total time taken by call(s) to :meth:`solve` ``solve_wo_func``: Total time taken by call(s) to :meth:`solve`, excluding time taken to compute functional value and related iteration statistics ``solve_wo_rsdl`` : Total time taken by call(s) to :meth:`solve`, excluding time taken to compute functional value and related iteration statistics as well as time take to compute residuals ``solve_wo_btrack`` : Total time taken by call(s) to :meth:`solve`, excluding time taken to compute functional value and related iteration statistics as well as time take to compute residuals and implemented ``Backtrack`` mechanism """ # Open status display fmtstr, nsep = self.display_start() # Start solve timer self.timer.start(['solve', 'solve_wo_func', 'solve_wo_rsdl', 'solve_wo_btrack']) # Main optimisation iterations for self.k in range(self.k, self.k + self.opt['MaxMainIter']): # Update record of X and Y from previous iteration self.on_iteration_start() # Compute backtracking if self.opt['Backtrack'] is not None and self.k >= 0: self.timer.stop('solve_wo_btrack') # Compute backtracking self.backtrack.update(self) self.timer.start('solve_wo_btrack') else: # Compute just proximal step self.xstep() # Update by combining previous iterates self.ystep() # Compute residuals and stopping thresholds self.timer.stop(['solve_wo_rsdl', 'solve_wo_btrack']) if not self.opt['FastSolve']: frcxd, adapt_tol = self.compute_residuals() self.timer.start('solve_wo_rsdl') # Compute and record other iteration statistics and # display iteration stats if Verbose option enabled self.timer.stop(['solve_wo_func', 'solve_wo_rsdl', 'solve_wo_btrack']) if not self.opt['FastSolve']: itst = self.iteration_stats(self.k, frcxd) self.itstat.append(itst) self.display_status(fmtstr, itst) self.timer.start(['solve_wo_func', 'solve_wo_rsdl', 'solve_wo_btrack']) # Call callback function if defined if self.opt['Callback'] is not None: if self.opt['Callback'](self): break # Stop if residual-based stopping tolerances reached if not self.opt['FastSolve']: if frcxd < adapt_tol: break # Increment iteration count self.k += 1 # Record solve time self.timer.stop(['solve', 'solve_wo_func', 'solve_wo_rsdl', 'solve_wo_btrack']) # Print final separator string if Verbose option enabled self.display_end(nsep) return self.getmin()
[docs] def getmin(self): """Get minimiser after optimisation.""" return self.X
[docs] def xstep(self, grad=None): """Compute proximal update (gradient descent + regularization). Optionally, a monotone PGM version from :cite:`beck-2009-tv` is available. """ if grad is None: grad = self.grad_f() if self.stepsizepolicy is not None: if self.k > 1: self.L = self.stepsizepolicy.update(self, grad) if isinstance(self.stepsizepolicy, StepSizePolicyBB): # BB variants are two-point methods self.stepsizepolicy.store_prev_state(self.X, grad) V = self.Y - (1. / self.L) * grad self.X = self.prox_g(V) if self.opt['Monotone'] and self.k > 0: self.ZZ = self.X.copy() self.objfn = self.eval_objfn() if self.objfn_prev[0] < self.objfn[0]: # If increment on objective function # revert to previous iterate self.X = self.Xprv.copy() self.objfn = self.objfn_prev return grad
[docs] def ystep(self): """Build next update by a smart combination of previous updates (standard PGM :cite:`beck-2009-fast`). Optionally, a monotone PGM version from :cite:`beck-2009-tv` is available. """ # Update t step tprv = self.t self.t = self.momentum.update(self.var_momentum()) # Update Y if self.opt['Monotone'] and self.k > 0: self.Y = self.X + (tprv / self.t) * (self.ZZ - self.X) \ + ((tprv - 1.) / self.t) * (self.X - self.Xprv) else: self.Y = self.X + ((tprv - 1.) / self.t) * (self.X - self.Xprv)
[docs] def eval_linear_approx(self, Dxy, gradY): r"""Compute term :math:`\langle \nabla f(\mathbf{y}), \mathbf{x} - \mathbf{y} \rangle` that is part of the quadratic function :math:`Q_L` used for backtracking. """ return np.sum(Dxy * gradY)
[docs] def grad_f(self, V): """Compute gradient of :math:`f` at V. Overriding this method is required. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def prox_g(self, V): """Compute proximal operator of :math:`g`. Overriding this method is required. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def hessian_f(self, V): """Compute Hessian of :math:`f` and apply to V. Overriding this method is required. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def on_iteration_start(self): """Store previous X and Y states.""" self.Xprv = self.X.copy() if (not self.opt['FastSolve'] or isinstance(self.backtrack, BacktrackRobust)): self.Yprv = self.Y.copy() if self.opt['Monotone']: if self.k == 0: self.objfn = self.eval_objfn() self.objfn_prev = self.objfn
[docs] def eval_Dxy(self): """Evaluate difference of state and auxiliary state updates.""" return self.X - self.Y
[docs] def compute_residuals(self): """Compute residuals and stopping thresholds.""" r = self.rsdl() adapt_tol = self.opt['RelStopTol'] if self.opt['AutoStop', 'Enabled']: adapt_tol = self.tau0 / (1. + self.k) return r, adapt_tol
[docs] @classmethod def hdrtxt(cls): """Construct tuple of status display column title.""" return ('Itn',) + cls.hdrtxt_objfn + ('Rsdl', 'F', 'Q', 'It_Bt', 'L')
[docs] @classmethod def hdrval(cls): """Construct dictionary mapping display column title to IterationStats entries. """ hdr = {'Itn': 'Iter'} hdr.update(cls.hdrval_objfun) hdr.update({'Rsdl': 'Rsdl', 'F': 'F_Btrack', 'Q': 'Q_Btrack', 'It_Bt': 'IterBTrack', 'L': 'L'}) return hdr
[docs] def iteration_stats(self, k, frcxd): """Construct iteration stats record tuple.""" tk = self.timer.elapsed(self.opt['IterTimer']) if self.opt['Monotone']: tpl = (k,) + self.objfn \ + (frcxd, self.F, self.Q, self.iterBTrack, self.L) \ + self.itstat_extra() + (tk,) else: tpl = (k,) + self.eval_objfn() \ + (frcxd, self.F, self.Q, self.iterBTrack, self.L) \ + self.itstat_extra() + (tk,) return type(self).IterationStats(*tpl)
[docs] def eval_objfn(self): """Compute components of objective function as well as total contribution to objective function. """ fval = self.obfn_f(self.X) gval = self.obfn_g(self.X) obj = fval + gval return (obj, fval, gval)
[docs] def itstat_extra(self): """Non-standard entries for the iteration stats record tuple.""" return ()
[docs] def getitstat(self): """Get iteration stats as named tuple of arrays instead of array of named tuples. """ return transpose_ntpl_list(self.itstat)
[docs] def display_start(self): """Set up status display if option selected. NB: this method assumes that the first entry is the iteration count and the last is the L value. """ if self.opt['Verbose']: # If backtracking option enabled F, Q, itBT, L are # included in iteration status if self.opt['Backtrack'] is not None: hdrtxt = type(self).hdrtxt() else: hdrtxt = type(self).hdrtxt()[0:-4] # Call utility function to construct status display formatting hdrstr, fmtstr, nsep = solve_status_str( hdrtxt, fmtmap={'It_Bt': '%5d'}, fwdth0=type(self).fwiter, fprec=type(self).fpothr) # Print header and separator strings if self.opt['StatusHeader']: print(hdrstr) print("-" * nsep) else: fmtstr, nsep = '', 0 return fmtstr, nsep
[docs] def display_status(self, fmtstr, itst): """Display current iteration status as selection of fields from iteration stats tuple. """ if self.opt['Verbose']: hdrtxt = type(self).hdrtxt() hdrval = type(self).hdrval() itdsp = tuple([getattr(itst, hdrval[col]) for col in hdrtxt]) if self.opt['Backtrack'] is None: itdsp = itdsp[0:-4] print(fmtstr % itdsp)
[docs] def display_end(self, nsep): """Terminate status display if option selected.""" if self.opt['Verbose'] and self.opt['StatusHeader']: print("-" * nsep)
[docs] def var_x(self): r"""Get :math:`\mathbf{x}` variable.""" return self.X
[docs] def var_y(self, y=None): r"""Get, or update and get, :math:`\mathbf{y}` variable.""" if y is not None: self.Y = y return self.Y
[docs] def var_xprv(self): r"""Get :math:`\mathbf{x}` variable of previous iteration.""" return self.Xprv
[docs] def var_momentum(self): """Most momentum coefficient methods require iteration but Nesterov requires current t.""" if isinstance(self.momentum, MomentumNesterov): return self.t return self.k
[docs] def obfn_f(self, X): r"""Compute :math:`f(\mathbf{x})` component of PGM objective function. Overriding this method is required (even if :meth:`eval_objfun` is overriden, since this method is required for backtracking). """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def obfn_g(self, X): r"""Compute :math:`g(\mathbf{x})` component of PGM objective function. Overriding this method is required if :meth:`eval_objfun` is not overridden. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def rsdl(self): """Compute fixed point residual (see Sec. 4.3 of :cite:`liu-2018-first`).""" if self.opt['Monotone'] and self.k > 0: return np.linalg.norm((self.X - self.Y).ravel()) return np.linalg.norm((self.X - self.Yprv).ravel())
[docs] class PGMDFT(PGM): r""" Base class for PGM algorithms with gradients and updates computed in the frequency domain. | .. inheritance-diagram:: PGMDFT :parts: 2 | Solve optimisation problems of the form .. math:: \mathrm{argmin}_{\mathbf{x}} \; f(\mathbf{x}) + g(\mathbf{x}) \;\;, where :math:`f, g` are convex functions and :math:`f` is smooth. This class specialises class PGM, but remains a base class for other classes that specialise to specific optimisation problems. """
[docs] class Options(PGM.Options): """PGMDFT algorithm options. Options include all of those defined in :class:`PGM.Options`. """ defaults = copy.deepcopy(PGM.Options.defaults) def __init__(self, opt=None): """ Parameters ---------- opt : dict or None, optional (default None) PGMDFT algorithm options """ if opt is None: opt = {} PGM.Options.__init__(self, opt)
def __init__(self, xshape, Nv, axisN, dtype, opt=None): """ Parameters ---------- xshape : tuple of ints Shape of working variable X (the primary variable) Nv : tuple of ints Shape of spatial indices of variable X (needed for DFT) axisN : tuple of ints Axis indices of spatial components of X (needed for DFT) dtype : data-type Data type for working variables opt : :class:`PGMDFT.Options` object Algorithm options """ if opt is None: opt = PGMDFT.Options() super(PGMDFT, self).__init__(xshape, dtype, opt) self.Nv = Nv self.axisN = axisN
[docs] def xstep(self, gradf=None): """Compute proximal update (gradient descent + constraint). Variables are mapped back and forth between input and frequency domains. Optionally, a monotone PGM version from :cite:`beck-2009-tv` is available. """ if gradf is None: gradf = self.grad_f() if self.stepsizepolicy is not None: if self.k > 1: self.L = self.stepsizepolicy.update(self, gradf) if isinstance(self.stepsizepolicy, StepSizePolicyBB): # BB variants are two-point methods self.stepsizepolicy.store_prev_state(self.Xf, gradf) self.Vf[:] = self.Yf - (1. / self.L) * gradf V = irfftn(self.Vf, self.Nv, self.axisN) self.X[:] = self.prox_g(V) self.Xf = rfftn(self.X, None, self.axisN) if self.opt['Monotone'] and self.k > 0: self.ZZf = self.Xf.copy() self.objfn = self.eval_objfn() if self.objfn_prev[0] < self.objfn[0]: # If increment on objective function # revert to previous iterate self.Xf = self.Xfprv.copy() self.objfn = self.objfn_prev return gradf
[docs] def ystep(self): """Update auxiliary state by a smart combination of previous updates in the frequency domain (standard PGM :cite:`beck-2009-fast`). Optionally, a monotone PGM version from :cite:`beck-2009-tv` is available. """ # Update t step tprv = self.t self.t = self.momentum.update(self.var_momentum()) # Update Y if self.opt['Monotone'] and self.k > 0: self.Yf = self.Xf + (tprv / self.t) * (self.ZZf - self.Xf) \ + ((tprv - 1.) / self.t) * (self.Xf - self.Xfprv) else: self.Yf = self.Xf + ((tprv - 1.) / self.t) * (self.Xf - self.Xfprv)
[docs] def on_iteration_start(self): """Store previous X and Y in frequency domain.""" self.Xfprv = self.Xf.copy() if (not self.opt['FastSolve'] or isinstance(self.backtrack, BacktrackRobust)): self.Yfprv = self.Yf.copy() if self.opt['Monotone']: if self.k == 0: self.objfn = self.eval_objfn() self.objfn_prev = self.objfn
[docs] def eval_Dxy(self): """Evaluate difference of state and auxiliary state in frequency domain. """ return self.Xf - self.Yf
[docs] def var_x(self): r"""Get :math:`\mathbf{x}` variable in frequency domain.""" return self.Xf
[docs] def var_y(self, y=None): r"""Get, or update and get, :math:`\mathbf{y}` variable in frequency domain.""" if y is not None: self.Yf = y return self.Yf
[docs] def var_xprv(self): r"""Get :math:`\mathbf{x}` variable of previous iteration in frequency domain. """ return self.Xfprv
[docs] def eval_linear_approx(self, Dxy, gradY): r"""Compute term :math:`\langle \nabla f(\mathbf{y}), \mathbf{x} - \mathbf{y} \rangle` (in frequency domain) that is part of the quadratic function :math:`Q_L` used for backtracking. Since this class computes the backtracking in the DFT, it is important to preserve the DFT scaling. """ return np.sum(np.real(np.conj(Dxy) * gradY))