Source code for sporco.dictlrn.dictlrn

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2015-2019 by Brendt Wohlberg <>
# All rights reserved. BSD 3-clause License.
# This file is part of the SPORCO package. Details of the copyright
# and user license can be found in the 'LICENSE.txt' file distributed
# with the package.

"""Dictionary learning based on ADMM sparse coding and dictionary updates"""

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from future.utils import with_metaclass
from builtins import range
from builtins import object

import collections

from sporco import cdict
from sporco import common
from sporco.util import u, Timer
from sporco.common import _fix_nested_class_lookup
from sporco.array import transpose_ntpl_list

__author__ = """Brendt Wohlberg <>"""

[docs]class IterStatsConfig(object): """Configuration object for general dictionary learning algorithm iteration statistics. """ fwiter = 4 """Field width for iteration count display column""" fpothr = 2 """Field precision for other display columns""" def __init__(self, isfld, isxmap, isdmap, evlmap, hdrtxt, hdrmap, fmtmap=None): """ Parameters ---------- isfld : list List of field names for iteration statistics namedtuple isxmap : dict Dictionary mapping iteration statistics namedtuple field names to field names in corresponding X step object iteration statistics namedtuple isdmap : dict Dictionary mapping iteration statistics namedtuple field names to field names in corresponding D step object iteration statistics namedtuple evlmap : dict Dictionary mapping iteration statistics namedtuple field names to labels in the dict returned by :meth:`DictLearn.evaluate` hdrtxt : list List of column header titles for verbose iteration statistics display hdrmap : dict Dictionary mapping column header titles to IterationStats entries fmtmap : dict, optional (default None) A dict providing a mapping from field header strings to print format strings, providing a mechanism for fields with print formats that depart from the standard format """ self.IterationStats = collections.namedtuple('IterationStats', isfld) self.isxmap = isxmap self.isdmap = isdmap self.evlmap = evlmap self.hdrtxt = hdrtxt self.hdrmap = hdrmap # Call utility function to construct status display formatting self.hdrstr, self.fmtstr, self.nsep = common.solve_status_str( hdrtxt, fmtmap=fmtmap, fwdth0=type(self).fwiter, fprec=type(self).fpothr)
[docs] def iterstats(self, j, t, isx, isd, evl): """Construct IterationStats namedtuple from X step and D step IterationStats namedtuples. Parameters ---------- j : int Iteration number t : float Iteration time isx : namedtuple IterationStats namedtuple from X step object isd : namedtuple IterationStats namedtuple from D step object evl : dict Dict associating result labels with values computed by :meth:`DictLearn.evaluate` """ vlst = [] # Iterate over the fields of the IterationStats namedtuple # to be populated with values. If a field name occurs as a # key in the isxmap dictionary, use the corresponding key # value as a field name in the isx namedtuple for the X # step object and append the value of that field as the # next value in the IterationStats namedtuple under # construction. The isdmap dictionary is handled # correspondingly with respect to the isd namedtuple for # the D step object. There are also two reserved field # names, 'Iter' and 'Time', referring respectively to the # iteration number and run time of the dictionary learning # algorithm. for fnm in self.IterationStats._fields: if fnm in self.isxmap: vlst.append(getattr(isx, self.isxmap[fnm])) elif fnm in self.isdmap: vlst.append(getattr(isd, self.isdmap[fnm])) elif fnm in self.evlmap: vlst.append(evl[fnm]) elif fnm == 'Iter': vlst.append(j) elif fnm == 'Time': vlst.append(t) else: vlst.append(None) return self.IterationStats._make(vlst)
[docs] def printheader(self): """Print status display header and separator strings.""" print(self.hdrstr) self.printseparator()
[docs] def printseparator(self): "Print status display separator string.""" print("-" * self.nsep)
[docs] def printiterstats(self, itst): """Print iteration statistics. Parameters ---------- itst : namedtuple IterationStats namedtuple as returned by :meth:`iterstats` """ itdsp = tuple([getattr(itst, self.hdrmap[col]) for col in self.hdrtxt]) print(self.fmtstr % itdsp)
[docs]class _DictLearn_Meta(type): """Metaclass for DictLearn class that handles intialisation of the object initialisation timer and stopping this timer at the end of initialisation. """ def __init__(cls, *args): # Apply _fix_nested_class_lookup function to class after creation _fix_nested_class_lookup(cls, nstnm='Options') def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs): # Initialise instance instance = super(_DictLearn_Meta, cls).__call__(*args, **kwargs) # Stop initialisation timer instance.timer.stop('init') # Return instance return instance
[docs]class DictLearn(with_metaclass(_DictLearn_Meta, object)): """General dictionary learning class that supports alternation between user-specified sparse coding and dictionary update steps, each of which is based on an ADMM algorithm. """
[docs] class Options(cdict.ConstrainedDict): """General dictionary learning algorithm options. Options: ``Verbose`` : Flag determining whether iteration status is displayed. ``StatusHeader`` : Flag determining whether status header and separator are displayed. ``IterTimer`` : Label of the timer to use for iteration times. ``MaxMainIter`` : Maximum main iterations. ``Callback`` : Callback function to be called at the end of every iteration. """ defaults = {'Verbose': False, 'StatusHeader': True, 'IterTimer': 'solve', 'MaxMainIter': 1000, 'Callback': None} def __init__(self, opt=None): """ Parameters ---------- opt : dict or None, optional (default None) DictLearn algorithm options """ if opt is None: opt = {} cdict.ConstrainedDict.__init__(self, opt)
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): """Create a DictLearn object and start its initialisation timer.""" instance = super(DictLearn, cls).__new__(cls) instance.timer = Timer(['init', 'solve', 'solve_wo_eval']) instance.timer.start('init') return instance def __init__(self, xstep, dstep, opt=None, isc=None): """ Parameters ---------- xstep : bpdn (or similar interface) object Object handling X update step dstep : cmod (or similar interface) object Object handling D update step opt : :class:`DictLearn.Options` object Algorithm options isc : :class:`IterStatsConfig` object Iteration statistics and header display configuration """ if opt is None: opt = DictLearn.Options() self.opt = opt if isc is None: isc = IterStatsConfig( isfld=['Iter', 'ObjFunX', 'XPrRsdl', 'XDlRsdl', 'XRho', 'ObjFunD', 'DPrRsdl', 'DDlRsdl', 'DRho', 'Time'], isxmap={'ObjFunX': 'ObjFun', 'XPrRsdl': 'PrimalRsdl', 'XDlRsdl': 'DualRsdl', 'XRho': 'Rho'}, isdmap={'ObjFunD': 'DFid', 'DPrRsdl': 'PrimalRsdl', 'DDlRsdl': 'DualRsdl', 'DRho': 'Rho'}, evlmap={}, hdrtxt=['Itn', 'FncX', 'r_X', 's_X', u('ρ_X'), 'FncD', 'r_D', 's_D', u('ρ_D')], hdrmap={'Itn': 'Iter', 'FncX': 'ObjFunX', 'r_X': 'XPrRsdl', 's_X': 'XDlRsdl', u('ρ_X'): 'XRho', 'FncD': 'ObjFunD', 'r_D': 'DPrRsdl', 's_D': 'DDlRsdl', u('ρ_D'): 'DRho'} ) self.isc = isc self.xstep = xstep self.dstep = dstep self.itstat = [] self.j = 0
[docs] def solve(self): """Start (or re-start) optimisation. This method implements the framework for the alternation between `X` and `D` updates in a dictionary learning algorithm. There is sufficient flexibility in specifying the two updates that it calls that it is usually not necessary to override this method in derived clases. If option ``Verbose`` is ``True``, the progress of the optimisation is displayed at every iteration. At termination of this method, attribute :attr:`itstat` is a list of tuples representing statistics of each iteration. Attribute :attr:`timer` is an instance of :class:`.util.Timer` that provides the following labelled timers: ``init``: Time taken for object initialisation by :meth:`__init__` ``solve``: Total time taken by call(s) to :meth:`solve` ``solve_wo_func``: Total time taken by call(s) to :meth:`solve`, excluding time taken to compute functional value and related iteration statistics ``solve_wo_rsdl`` : Total time taken by call(s) to :meth:`solve`, excluding time taken to compute functional value and related iteration statistics as well as time take to compute residuals and implemented ``AutoRho`` mechanism """ # Print header and separator strings if self.opt['Verbose'] and self.opt['StatusHeader']: self.isc.printheader() # Reset timer self.timer.start(['solve', 'solve_wo_eval']) # Main optimisation iterations for self.j in range(self.j, self.j + self.opt['MaxMainIter']): # X update self.xstep.solve() self.post_xstep() # D update self.dstep.solve() self.post_dstep() # Evaluate functional self.timer.stop('solve_wo_eval') evl = self.evaluate() self.timer.start('solve_wo_eval') # Record elapsed time t = self.timer.elapsed(self.opt['IterTimer']) # Extract and record iteration stats xitstat = self.xstep.itstat[-1] if self.xstep.itstat else \ self.xstep.IterationStats( *([0.0,] * len(self.xstep.IterationStats._fields))) ditstat = self.dstep.itstat[-1] if self.dstep.itstat else \ self.dstep.IterationStats( *([0.0,] * len(self.dstep.IterationStats._fields))) itst = self.isc.iterstats(self.j, t, xitstat, ditstat, evl) self.itstat.append(itst) # Display iteration stats if Verbose option enabled if self.opt['Verbose']: self.isc.printiterstats(itst) # Call callback function if defined if self.opt['Callback'] is not None: if self.opt['Callback'](self): break # Increment iteration count self.j += 1 # Record solve time self.timer.stop(['solve', 'solve_wo_eval']) # Print final separator string if Verbose option enabled if self.opt['Verbose'] and self.opt['StatusHeader']: self.isc.printseparator() # Return final dictionary return self.getdict()
[docs] def post_xstep(self): """Handle passing result of xstep to dstep""" self.dstep.setcoef(self.xstep.getcoef())
[docs] def post_dstep(self): """Handle passing result of dstep to xstep""" self.xstep.setdict(self.dstep.getdict())
[docs] def evaluate(self): """Evaluate results (e.g. functional value) of previous iteration""" return None
[docs] def getdict(self): """Get final dictionary""" return self.dstep.getdict()
[docs] def getcoef(self): """Get final coefficient map array""" return self.xstep.getcoef()
[docs] def getitstat(self): """Get iteration stats as named tuple of arrays instead of array of named tuples. """ return transpose_ntpl_list(self.itstat)