Source code for sporco.dictlrn.prlcnscdl

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2017-2020 by Brendt Wohlberg <>
# All rights reserved. BSD 3-clause License.
# This file is part of the SPORCO package. Details of the copyright
# and user license can be found in the 'LICENSE.txt' file distributed
# with the package.

"""Parallel consensus convolutional dictionary learning"""

from __future__ import print_function
from builtins import range

import platform
if platform.system() == 'Windows' or platform.system() == 'Darwin':
    raise RuntimeError('Module %s is not supported under Windows or '
                       'MacOS' % __name__)
import collections
import multiprocessing as mp
import numpy as np

import sporco.linalg as sl
import sporco.prox as sp
import sporco.fft
# Required due to pyFFTW bug #135 - see "Notes" section of SPORCO docs
sporco.fft.pyfftw_threads = 1
from sporco.dictlrn import cbpdndl
from sporco.dictlrn import cbpdndlmd
from sporco.fft import fftn_func, ifftn_func, fl2norm2_func
from sporco.array import transpose_ntpl_list
import sporco.cnvrep as cr
from sporco.util import u
from sporco import common

__all__ = ['ConvBPDNDictLearn_Consensus',

# Initialise global variables required by multiprocessing mechanism
mp_cri = None    # A cnvrep.CSC_ConvRepIndexing object describing problem
                 # dimensions
mp_lmbda = None  # Regularisation parameter lambda
mp_dprox = None  # Projection operator of the dictionary update
mp_xrho = None   # Penalty parameter of the X (cbpdn) step
mp_drho = None   # Penalty parameter of the D (ccmod) step
mp_xrlx = None   # Relaxation parameter of the X (cbpdn) step
mp_drlx = None   # Relaxation parameter of the D (ccmod) step
mp_Sf = None     # Training data array in DFT domain
mp_Df = None     # Dictionary variable (in DFT domain) used by X step
mp_Zf = None     # Coefficient map variable (in DFT domain) used by D step
mp_DSf = None    # D^T S in DFT domain
mp_ZSf = None    # Z^T S in DFT domain
mp_Z_X = None    # Primary variable of X update
mp_Z_Y = None    # Auxiliary variable of X update
mp_Z_U = None    # Lagrange multiplier of X update
mp_D_X = None    # Primary variable of D update
mp_D_Y = None    # Auxiliary variable of D update
mp_D_U = None    # Lagrange multiplier of D update

# Global references to appropriate functions from sporco.fft
real_dtype = None
fftn = None
ifftn = None
fl2norm2 = None

def mpraw_as_np(shape, dtype):
    """Construct a numpy array of the specified shape and dtype for which the
    underlying storage is a multiprocessing RawArray in shared memory.

    shape : tuple
      Shape of numpy array
    dtype : data-type
      Data type of array

    arr : ndarray
      Numpy array

    sz = int(np.product(shape))
    csz = sz * np.dtype(dtype).itemsize
    raw = mp.RawArray('c', csz)
    return np.frombuffer(raw, dtype=dtype, count=sz).reshape(shape)

def swap_axis_to_0(x, axis):
    """Insert a new singleton axis at position 0 and swap it with the
    specified axis. The resulting array has an additional dimension,
    with ``axis`` + 1 (which was ``axis`` before the insertion of the
    new axis) of ``x`` at position 0, and a singleton axis at position
    ``axis`` + 1.

    x : ndarray
      Input array
    axis : int
      Index of axis in ``x`` to swap to axis index 0.

    arr : ndarray
      Output array

    return np.ascontiguousarray(np.swapaxes(x[np.newaxis, ...], 0, axis+1))

def init_mpraw(mpv, npv):
    """Set a global variable as a multiprocessing RawArray in shared
    memory with a numpy array wrapper and initialise its value.

    mpv : string
      Name of global variable to set
    npv : ndarray
      Numpy array to use as initialiser for global variable value

    globals()[mpv] = mpraw_as_np(npv.shape, npv.dtype)
    globals()[mpv][:] = npv

def cbpdn_setdict():
    """Set the dictionary for the cbpdn stage. There are no parameters
    or return values because all inputs and outputs are from and to
    global variables.

    global mp_DSf
    # Set working dictionary for cbpdn step and compute DFT of dictionary
    # D and of D^T S
    mp_Df[:] = fftn(mp_D_Y, mp_cri.Nv, mp_cri.axisN)
    if mp_cri.Cd == 1:
        mp_DSf[:] = np.conj(mp_Df) * mp_Sf
        mp_DSf[:] = sl.inner(np.conj(mp_Df[np.newaxis, ...]), mp_Sf,

def cbpdn_xstep(k):
    """Do the X step of the cbpdn stage. The only parameter is the slice
    index `k` and there are no return values; all inputs and outputs are
    from and to global variables.

    YU = mp_Z_Y[k] - mp_Z_U[k]
    b = mp_DSf[k] + mp_xrho * fftn(YU, None, mp_cri.axisN)
    if mp_cri.Cd == 1:
        Xf = sl.solvedbi_sm(mp_Df, mp_xrho, b, axis=mp_cri.axisM)
        Xf = sl.solvemdbi_ism(mp_Df, mp_xrho, b, mp_cri.axisM, mp_cri.axisC)
    mp_Z_X[k] = ifftn(Xf, mp_cri.Nv, mp_cri.axisN)

def cbpdn_relax(k):
    """Do relaxation for the cbpdn stage. The only parameter is the slice
    index `k` and there are no return values; all inputs and outputs are
    from and to global variables.

    mp_Z_X[k] = mp_xrlx * mp_Z_X[k] + (1 - mp_xrlx) * mp_Z_Y[k]

def cbpdn_ystep(k):
    """Do the Y step of the cbpdn stage. The only parameter is the slice
    index `k` and there are no return values; all inputs and outputs are
    from and to global variables.

    AXU = mp_Z_X[k] + mp_Z_U[k]
    mp_Z_Y[k] = sp.prox_l1(AXU, (mp_lmbda/mp_xrho))

def cbpdn_ustep(k):
    """Do the U step of the cbpdn stage. The only parameter is the slice
    index `k` and there are no return values; all inputs and outputs are
    from and to global variables.

    mp_Z_U[k] += mp_Z_X[k] - mp_Z_Y[k]

def ccmod_setcoef(k):
    """Set the coefficient maps for the ccmod stage. The only parameter
    is the slice index `k` and there are no return values; all inputs and
    outputs are from and to global variables.

    # Set working coefficient maps for ccmod step and compute DFT of
    # coefficient maps Z and Z^T S
    mp_Zf[k] = fftn(mp_Z_Y[k], mp_cri.Nv, mp_cri.axisN)
    mp_ZSf[k] = np.conj(mp_Zf[k]) * mp_Sf[k]

def ccmod_xstep(k):
    """Do the X step of the ccmod stage. The only parameter is the slice
    index `k` and there are no return values; all inputs and outputs are
    from and to global variables.

    YU = mp_D_Y - mp_D_U[k]
    b = mp_ZSf[k] + mp_drho * fftn(YU, None, mp_cri.axisN)
    Xf = sl.solvedbi_sm(mp_Zf[k], mp_drho, b, axis=mp_cri.axisM)
    mp_D_X[k] = ifftn(Xf, mp_cri.Nv, mp_cri.axisN)

def ccmod_relax(k):
    """Do relaxation for the ccmod stage. The only parameter is the slice
    index `k` and there are no return values; all inputs and outputs are
    from and to global variables.

    mp_D_X[k] = mp_drlx * mp_D_X[k] + (1 - mp_drlx) * mp_D_Y

def ccmod_ystep():
    """Do the Y step of the ccmod stage. There are no parameters
    or return values because all inputs and outputs are from and to
    global variables.

    mAXU = np.mean(mp_D_X + mp_D_U, axis=0)
    mp_D_Y[:] = mp_dprox(mAXU)

def ccmod_ustep():
    """Do the U step of the ccmod stage. There are no parameters
    or return values because all inputs and outputs are from and to
    global variables.

    mp_D_U[:] += mp_D_X[:] - mp_D_Y

def step_group(k):
    """Do a single iteration over cbpdn and ccmod steps that can be
    performed independently for each slice `k` of the input data set.

    if mp_xrlx != 1.0:
    if mp_drlx != 1.0:

[docs]class ConvBPDNDictLearn_Consensus(cbpdndl.ConvBPDNDictLearn): r""" Dictionary learning based on Convolutional BPDN :cite:`wohlberg-2014-efficient` and an ADMM Consensus solution of the constrained dictionary update problem :cite:`sorel-2016-fast`. | .. inheritance-diagram:: ConvBPDNDictLearn_Consensus :parts: 2 | The dictionary learning algorithm itself is as described in :cite:`garcia-2018-convolutional1`. The sparse coding of each training image and the individual consensus problem components are computed in parallel, giving a substantial computational advantage, on a multi-core host, over :class:`.dictlrn.cbpdndl.ConvBPDNDictLearn` with the consensus solver (``dmethod`` = ``'cns'``) for the constrained dictionary update problem. Solve the optimisation problem .. math:: \mathrm{argmin}_{\mathbf{d}, \mathbf{x}} \; (1/2) \sum_k \left \| \sum_m \mathbf{d}_m * \mathbf{x}_{k,m} - \mathbf{s}_k \right \|_2^2 + \lambda \sum_k \sum_m \| \mathbf{x}_{k,m} \|_1 \quad \text{such that} \quad \mathbf{d}_m \in C \;\; \forall m \;, where :math:`C` is the feasible set consisting of filters with unit norm and constrained support, via interleaved alternation between the ADMM steps of the sparse coding and dictionary update algorithms. Multi-channel signals with multi-channel dictionaries are supported. Unlike :class:`.dictlrn.cbpdndl.ConvBPDNDictLearn`, multi-channel signals with single-channel dictionaries are *not* supported; it is the responsibility of the user to convert the multi-channel input signal to a single-channel input with channels converted into additional single-channel signal instances. This class is derived from :class:`.dictlrn.cbpdndl.ConvBPDNDictLearn` so that the variable initialisation of its parent can be re-used. The entire :meth:`.solve` infrastructure is overidden in this class, without any use of inherited functionality. Variables initialised by the parent class that are non-singleton on axis ``axisK`` have this axis swapped with axis 0 for simpler and more computationally efficient indexing. Note that automatic penalty parameter selection (see option ``AutoRho`` in :class:`.admm.ADMM.Options`) is not supported, the option settings being silently ignored. After termination of the :meth:`solve` method, attribute :attr:`itstat` is a list of tuples representing statistics of each iteration. The fields of the named tuple ``IterationStats`` are: ``Iter`` : Iteration number ``ObjFun`` : Objective function value ``DFid`` : Value of data fidelity term :math:`(1/2) \sum_k \| \sum_m \mathbf{d}_m * \mathbf{x}_{k,m} - \mathbf{s}_k \|_2^2` ``RegL1`` : Value of regularisation term :math:`\sum_k \sum_m \| \mathbf{x}_{k,m} \|_1` ``Time`` : Cumulative run time """
[docs] class Options(cbpdndl.ConvBPDNDictLearn.Options): """ConvBPDNDictLearn_Consensus algorithm options Options are the same as defined in :class:`cbpdndl.ConvBPDNDictLearn.Options`. """ def __init__(self, opt=None): """ Parameters ---------- opt : dict or None, optional (default None) ConvBPDNDictLearn_Consensus algorithm options """ if opt is None: opt = {} cbpdndl.ConvBPDNDictLearn.Options.__init__( self, opt, xmethod='admm', dmethod='cns')
fwiter = 4 """Field width for iteration count display column""" fpothr = 2 """Field precision for other display columns""" def __init__(self, D0, S, lmbda=None, opt=None, nproc=None, dimK=1, dimN=2): """ Parameters ---------- D0 : array_like Initial dictionary array S : array_like Signal array lmbda : float Regularisation parameter opt : :class:`.dictlrn.cbpdndl.ConvBPDNDictLearn.Options` object Algorithm options nproc : int Number of parallel processes to use dimK : int, optional (default 1) Number of signal dimensions. If there is only a single input signal (e.g. if `S` is a 2D array representing a single image) `dimK` must be set to 0. dimN : int, optional (default 2) Number of spatial/temporal dimensions """ if nproc is None: # Number of processes to run is the smaller of the number of # CPUs and K, the number of training signals self.nproc = min(mp.cpu_count(), S.shape[-1]) else: self.nproc = nproc # Set flag indicating whether problem involves real or complex # values, and get appropriate versions of functions from fft # module global real_dtype, fftn, ifftn, fl2norm2 real_dtype = np.isrealobj(D0) and np.isrealobj(S) fftn = fftn_func(real_dtype) ifftn = ifftn_func(real_dtype) fl2norm2 = fl2norm2_func(real_dtype) # Call parent constructor super(ConvBPDNDictLearn_Consensus, self).__init__( D0, S, lmbda, opt=opt, xmethod='admm', dmethod='cns', dimK=dimK, dimN=dimN) # Check for unsupported case of multi-channel signal with # single-channel dictionary if self.xstep.cri.Cd == 1 and self.xstep.cri.C > 1: raise ValueError("Learning of a single-channel dictionary from" " multi-channel training data is not supported") # Set up iterations statistics itstat_fields = ['Iter', 'ObjFun', 'DFid', 'RegL1', 'Time'] self.IterationStats = collections.namedtuple('IterationStats', itstat_fields) self.itstat = [] # Initialise iteration counter self.j = 0 def init_mpraw_swap(mpv, npv): """Set a global variable as a multiprocessing RawArray in shared memory with a numpy array wrapper and initialise its value to the specified array after swapping axisK of that array to axis index 0. Parameters ---------- mpv : string Name of global variable to set npv : ndarray Numpy array to use as initialiser for global variable value """ v = swap_axis_to_0(npv, self.xstep.cri.axisK) init_mpraw(mpv, v) # Initialise global variables global mp_cri mp_cri = self.xstep.cri global mp_lmbda mp_lmbda = self.xstep.lmbda global mp_xrho mp_xrho = self.xstep.rho global mp_drho mp_drho = self.dstep.rho global mp_xrlx mp_xrlx = self.xstep.rlx global mp_drlx mp_drlx = self.dstep.rlx global mp_dprox mp_dprox = self.dstep.Pcn global mp_Sf init_mpraw_swap('mp_Sf', self.xstep.Sf) global mp_Df init_mpraw('mp_Df', self.xstep.Df) global mp_Zf shp = list(mp_Sf.shape) shp[-1] = self.xstep.cri.M mp_Zf = mpraw_as_np(shp, mp_Sf.dtype) global mp_DSf init_mpraw_swap('mp_DSf', self.xstep.DSf) global mp_ZSf mp_ZSf = mpraw_as_np(shp, mp_Sf.dtype) global mp_Z_Y init_mpraw_swap('mp_Z_Y', self.xstep.Y) global mp_Z_X mp_Z_X = mpraw_as_np(mp_Z_Y.shape, mp_Z_Y.dtype) global mp_Z_U init_mpraw_swap('mp_Z_U', self.xstep.U) global mp_D_X dxshp = list((self.dstep.cri.K,) + self.dstep.cri.shpD) mp_D_X = mpraw_as_np(dxshp, self.dstep.Y.dtype) global mp_D_Y init_mpraw('mp_D_Y', self.dstep.Y) global mp_D_U init_mpraw('mp_D_U', np.moveaxis(self.dstep.U, -1, 0))
[docs] def step(self): """Do a single iteration over all cbpdn and ccmod steps. Those that are not coupled on the K axis are performed in parallel.""" # If the nproc parameter of __init__ is zero, just iterate # over the K consensus instances instead of using # multiprocessing to do the computations in parallel. This is # useful for debugging and timing comparisons. if self.nproc == 0: for k in range(self.xstep.cri.K): step_group(k) else:, range(self.xstep.cri.K)) ccmod_ystep() ccmod_ustep() cbpdn_setdict()
[docs] def solve(self): """Start (or re-start) optimisation. This method implements the framework for the alternation between `X` and `D` updates in a dictionary learning algorithm. If option ``Verbose`` is ``True``, the progress of the optimisation is displayed at every iteration. At termination of this method, attribute :attr:`itstat` is a list of tuples representing statistics of each iteration. Attribute :attr:`timer` is an instance of :class:`.util.Timer` that provides the following labelled timers: ``init``: Time taken for object initialisation by :meth:`__init__` ``solve``: Total time taken by call(s) to :meth:`solve` ``solve_wo_func``: Total time taken by call(s) to :meth:`solve`, excluding time taken to compute functional value and related iteration statistics """ # Construct tuple of status display column titles and set status # display strings hdrtxt = ['Itn', 'Fnc', 'DFid', u('Regℓ1')] hdrstr, fmtstr, nsep = common.solve_status_str( hdrtxt, fwdth0=type(self).fwiter, fprec=type(self).fpothr) # Print header and separator strings if self.opt['Verbose']: if self.opt['StatusHeader']: print(hdrstr) print("-" * nsep) # Reset timer self.timer.start(['solve', 'solve_wo_eval']) # Create process pool if self.nproc > 0: self.pool = mp.Pool(processes=self.nproc) for self.j in range(self.j, self.j + self.opt['MaxMainIter']): # Perform a set of update steps self.step() # Evaluate functional self.timer.stop('solve_wo_eval') fnev = self.evaluate() self.timer.start('solve_wo_eval') # Record iteration stats tk = self.timer.elapsed('solve') itst = self.IterationStats(*((self.j,) + fnev + (tk,))) self.itstat.append(itst) # Display iteration stats if Verbose option enabled if self.opt['Verbose']: print(fmtstr % itst[:-1]) # Call callback function if defined if self.opt['Callback'] is not None: if self.opt['Callback'](self): break # Clean up process pool if self.nproc > 0: self.pool.close() self.pool.join() # Increment iteration count self.j += 1 # Record solve time self.timer.stop(['solve', 'solve_wo_eval']) # Print final separator string if Verbose option enabled if self.opt['Verbose'] and self.opt['StatusHeader']: print("-" * nsep) # Return final dictionary return self.getdict()
[docs] def getdict(self, crop=True): """Get final dictionary. If ``crop`` is ``True``, apply :func:`.cnvrep.bcrop` to returned array. """ global mp_D_Y D = mp_D_Y if crop: D = cr.bcrop(D, self.dstep.cri.dsz, self.dstep.cri.dimN) return D
[docs] def getcoef(self): """Get final coefficient map array.""" global mp_Z_Y return np.swapaxes(mp_Z_Y, 0, self.xstep.cri.axisK+1)[0]
[docs] def evaluate(self): """Evaluate functional value of previous iteration.""" X = mp_Z_Y Xf = mp_Zf Df = mp_Df Sf = mp_Sf Ef = sl.inner(Df[np.newaxis, ...], Xf, axis=self.xstep.cri.axisM+1) - Sf Ef = np.swapaxes(Ef, 0, self.xstep.cri.axisK+1)[0] dfd = fl2norm2(Ef, self.xstep.S.shape, axis=self.xstep.cri.axisN)/2.0 rl1 = np.sum(np.abs(X)) obj = dfd + self.xstep.lmbda*rl1 return (obj, dfd, rl1)
[docs] def getitstat(self): """Get iteration stats as named tuple of arrays instead of array of named tuples. """ return transpose_ntpl_list(self.itstat)
# Initialise global variables required by multiprocessing mechanism mp_S = None # Training data array mp_W = None # Mask array mp_DX = None # Product of D and X mp_Z_Y0 = None # Auxiliary variables of X update mp_Z_Y1 = None mp_Z_U0 = None # Lagrange multipliers of X update mp_Z_U1 = None mp_D_Y0 = None # Auxiliary variables of D update mp_D_Y1 = None mp_D_U0 = None # Lagrange multipliers of D update mp_D_U1 = None def cbpdnmd_setdict(): """Set the dictionary for the cbpdn stage. There are no parameters or return values because all inputs and outputs are from and to global variables. """ # Set working dictionary for cbpdn step and compute DFT of dictionary D mp_Df[:] = fftn(mp_D_Y0, mp_cri.Nv, mp_cri.axisN) def cbpdnmd_xstep(k): """Do the X step of the cbpdn stage. The only parameter is the slice index `k` and there are no return values; all inputs and outputs are from and to global variables. """ YU0 = mp_Z_Y0[k] + mp_S[k] - mp_Z_U0[k] YU1 = mp_Z_Y1[k] - mp_Z_U1[k] if mp_cri.Cd == 1: b = np.conj(mp_Df) * fftn(YU0, None, mp_cri.axisN) + \ fftn(YU1, None, mp_cri.axisN) Xf = sl.solvedbi_sm(mp_Df, 1.0, b, axis=mp_cri.axisM) else: b = sl.inner(np.conj(mp_Df), fftn(YU0, None, mp_cri.axisN), axis=mp_cri.axisC) + fftn(YU1, None, mp_cri.axisN) Xf = sl.solvemdbi_ism(mp_Df, 1.0, b, mp_cri.axisM, mp_cri.axisC) mp_Z_X[k] = ifftn(Xf, mp_cri.Nv, mp_cri.axisN) mp_DX[k] = ifftn(sl.inner(mp_Df, Xf), mp_cri.Nv, mp_cri.axisN) def cbpdnmd_relax(k): """Do relaxation for the cbpdn stage. The only parameter is the slice index `k` and there are no return values; all inputs and outputs are from and to global variables. """ mp_Z_X[k] = mp_xrlx * mp_Z_X[k] + (1 - mp_xrlx) * mp_Z_Y1[k] mp_DX[k] = mp_xrlx * mp_DX[k] + (1 - mp_xrlx) * (mp_Z_Y0[k] + mp_S[k]) def cbpdnmd_ystep(k): """Do the Y step of the cbpdn stage. The only parameter is the slice index `k` and there are no return values; all inputs and outputs are from and to global variables. """ if mp_W.shape[0] > 1: W = mp_W[k] else: W = mp_W AXU0 = mp_DX[k] - mp_S[k] + mp_Z_U0[k] AXU1 = mp_Z_X[k] + mp_Z_U1[k] mp_Z_Y0[k] = mp_xrho*AXU0 / (W**2 + mp_xrho) mp_Z_Y1[k] = sp.prox_l1(AXU1, (mp_lmbda/mp_xrho)) def cbpdnmd_ustep(k): """Do the U step of the cbpdn stage. The only parameter is the slice index `k` and there are no return values; all inputs and outputs are from and to global variables. """ mp_Z_U0[k] += mp_DX[k] - mp_Z_Y0[k] - mp_S[k] mp_Z_U1[k] += mp_Z_X[k] - mp_Z_Y1[k] def ccmodmd_setcoef(k): """Set the coefficient maps for the ccmod stage. The only parameter is the slice index `k` and there are no return values; all inputs and outputs are from and to global variables. """ # Set working coefficient maps for ccmod step and compute DFT of # coefficient maps Z mp_Zf[k] = fftn(mp_Z_Y1[k], mp_cri.Nv, mp_cri.axisN) def ccmodmd_xstep(k): """Do the X step of the ccmod stage. The only parameter is the slice index `k` and there are no return values; all inputs and outputs are from and to global variables. """ YU0 = mp_D_Y0 - mp_D_U0[k] YU1 = mp_D_Y1[k] + mp_S[k] - mp_D_U1[k] b = fftn(YU0, None, mp_cri.axisN) + \ np.conj(mp_Zf[k]) * fftn(YU1, None, mp_cri.axisN) Xf = sl.solvedbi_sm(mp_Zf[k], 1.0, b, axis=mp_cri.axisM) mp_D_X[k] = ifftn(Xf, mp_cri.Nv, mp_cri.axisN) mp_DX[k] = ifftn(sl.inner(Xf, mp_Zf[k]), mp_cri.Nv, mp_cri.axisN) def ccmodmd_relax(k): """Do relaxation for the ccmod stage. The only parameter is the slice index `k` and there are no return values; all inputs and outputs are from and to global variables. """ mp_D_X[k] = mp_drlx * mp_D_X[k] + (1 - mp_drlx) * mp_D_Y0 mp_DX[k] = mp_drlx * mp_DX[k] + (1 - mp_drlx) * (mp_D_Y1[k] + mp_S[k]) def ccmodmd_ystep(): """Do the Y step of the ccmod stage. There are no parameters or return values because all inputs and outputs are from and to global variables. """ mAXU = np.mean(mp_D_X + mp_D_U0, axis=0) mp_D_Y0[:] = mp_dprox(mAXU) AXU1 = mp_DX - mp_S + mp_D_U1 mp_D_Y1[:] = mp_drho*AXU1 / (mp_W**2 + mp_drho) def ccmodmd_ustep(): """Do the U step of the ccmod stage. There are no parameters or return values because all inputs and outputs are from and to global variables. """ mp_D_U0[:] += mp_D_X - mp_D_Y0 mp_D_U1[:] += mp_DX - mp_D_Y1 - mp_S def md_step_group(k): """Do a single iteration over cbpdn and ccmod steps that can be performed independently for each slice `k` of the input data set. """ cbpdnmd_xstep(k) if mp_xrlx != 1.0: cbpdnmd_relax(k) cbpdnmd_ystep(k) cbpdnmd_ustep(k) ccmodmd_setcoef(k) ccmodmd_xstep(k) if mp_drlx != 1.0: ccmodmd_relax(k)
[docs]class ConvBPDNMaskDcplDictLearn_Consensus(cbpdndlmd.ConvBPDNMaskDictLearn): r""" Dictionary learning based on Convolutional BPDN with Mask Decoupling :cite:`heide-2015-fast` and the hybrid Mask Decoupling/Consensus solution of the constrained dictionary update problem proposed in :cite:`garcia-2018-convolutional1`. | .. inheritance-diagram:: ConvBPDNMaskDcplDictLearn_Consensus :parts: 2 | The dictionary learning algorithm itself is as described in :cite:`garcia-2018-convolutional1`. The sparse coding of each training image and the individual consensus problem components are computed in parallel, giving a substantial computational advantage, on a multi-core host, over :class:`.cbpdndlmd.ConvBPDNMaskDictLearn` with the consensus solver (``method`` = ``'cns'``) for the constrained dictionary update problem. Solve the optimisation problem .. math:: \mathrm{argmin}_{\mathbf{d}, \mathbf{x}} \; (1/2) \sum_k \left \| W ( \sum_m \mathbf{d}_m * \mathbf{x}_{k,m} - \mathbf{s}_k ) \right \|_2^2 + \lambda \sum_k \sum_m \| \mathbf{x}_{k,m} \|_1 \quad \text{such that} \quad \mathbf{d}_m \in C \;\; \forall m \;, where :math:`W` is a mask array and :math:`C` is the feasible set consisting of filters with unit norm and constrained support, via interleaved alternation between the ADMM steps of the sparse coding and dictionary update algorithms. Multi-channel signals with multi-channel dictionaries are supported. Unlike :class:`.dictlrn.cbpdndl.ConvBPDNDictLearn`, multi-channel signals with single-channel dictionaries are *not* supported; it is the responsibility of the user to convert the multi-channel input signal to a single-channel input with channels converted into additional single-channel signal instances. This class is derived from :class:`.cbpdndlmd.ConvBPDNMaskDictLearn` so that the variable initialisation of its parent can be re-used. The entire :meth:`.solve` infrastructure is overidden in this class, without any use of inherited functionality. Variables initialised by the parent class that are non-singleton on axis ``axisK`` have this axis swapped with axis 0 for simpler and more computationally efficient indexing. Note that automatic penalty parameter selection (see option ``AutoRho`` in :class:`.admm.ADMM.Options`) is not supported, the option settings being silently ignored. After termination of the :meth:`solve` method, attribute :attr:`itstat` is a list of tuples representing statistics of each iteration. The fields of the named tuple ``IterationStats`` are: ``Iter`` : Iteration number ``ObjFun`` : Objective function value ``DFid`` : Value of data fidelity term :math:`(1/2) \sum_k \| W ( \sum_m \mathbf{d}_m * \mathbf{x}_{k,m} - \mathbf{s}_k ) \|_2^2` ``RegL1`` : Value of regularisation term :math:`\sum_k \sum_m \| \mathbf{x}_{k,m} \|_1` ``Time`` : Cumulative run time """
[docs] class Options(cbpdndlmd.ConvBPDNMaskDictLearn.Options): """ConvBPDNMaskDcplDictLearn_Consensus algorithm options Options are the same as defined in :class:`.cbpdndlmd.ConvBPDNMaskDictLearn.Options`. """ def __init__(self, opt=None): """ Parameters ---------- opt : dict or None, optional (default None) ConvBPDNMaskDcplDictLearn_Consensus algorithm options """ if opt is None: opt = {} cbpdndlmd.ConvBPDNMaskDictLearn.Options.__init__( self, opt, xmethod='admm', dmethod='cns')
fwiter = 4 """Field width for iteration count display column""" fpothr = 2 """Field precision for other display columns""" def __init__(self, D0, S, lmbda=None, W=None, opt=None, nproc=None, dimK=1, dimN=2): """ Parameters ---------- D0 : array_like Initial dictionary array S : array_like Signal array lmbda : float Regularisation parameter W : array_like Mask array. The array shape must be such that the array is compatible for multiplication with the *internal* shape of input array S (see :class:`.cnvrep.CDU_ConvRepIndexing` for a discussion of the distinction between *external* and *internal* data layouts) after reshaping to the shape determined by :func:`.cnvrep.mskWshape`. opt : :class:`.cbpdndlmd.ConvBPDNMaskDictLearn.Options` object Algorithm options nproc : int Number of parallel processes to use dimK : int, optional (default 1) Number of signal dimensions. If there is only a single input signal (e.g. if `S` is a 2D array representing a single image) `dimK` must be set to 0. dimN : int, optional (default 2) Number of spatial/temporal dimensions """ if nproc is None: # Number of processes to run is the smaller of the number of # CPUs and K, the number of training signals self.nproc = min(mp.cpu_count(), S.shape[-1]) else: self.nproc = nproc # Set flag indicating whether problem involves real or complex # values, and get appropriate versions of functions from fft # module global real_dtype, fftn, ifftn, fl2norm2 real_dtype = np.isrealobj(D0) and np.isrealobj(S) fftn = fftn_func(real_dtype) ifftn = ifftn_func(real_dtype) fl2norm2 = fl2norm2_func(real_dtype) # Call parent constructor super(ConvBPDNMaskDcplDictLearn_Consensus, self).__init__( D0, S, lmbda, W, opt=opt, xmethod='admm', dmethod='cns', dimK=dimK, dimN=dimN) # Check for unsupported case of multi-channel signal with # single-channel dictionary if self.xstep.cri.Cd == 1 and self.xstep.cri.C > 1: raise ValueError("Learning of a single-channel dictionary from" " multi-channel training data is not supported") # Set up iterations statistics itstat_fields = ['Iter', 'ObjFun', 'DFid', 'RegL1', 'Time'] self.IterationStats = collections.namedtuple('IterationStats', itstat_fields) self.itstat = [] # Initialise iteration counter self.j = 0 def init_mpraw_swap(mpv, npv): """Set a global variable as a multiprocessing RawArray in shared memory with a numpy array wrapper and initialise its value to the specified array after swapping axisK of that array to axis index 0. Parameters ---------- mpv : string Name of global variable to set npv : ndarray Numpy array to use as initialiser for global variable value """ v = swap_axis_to_0(npv, self.xstep.cri.axisK) init_mpraw(mpv, v) # Initialise global variables global mp_cri mp_cri = self.xstep.cri global mp_lmbda mp_lmbda = self.xstep.lmbda global mp_xrho mp_xrho = self.xstep.rho global mp_drho mp_drho = self.dstep.rho global mp_xrlx mp_xrlx = self.xstep.rlx global mp_drlx mp_drlx = self.dstep.rlx global mp_dprox mp_dprox = self.dstep.Pcn global mp_S init_mpraw_swap('mp_S', self.xstep.S) global mp_Df init_mpraw('mp_Df', self.xstep.Df) global mp_W init_mpraw_swap('mp_W', self.dstep.W) global mp_Zf shp = np.insert(np.roll(self.xstep.Xf.shape, 1), -1, 1) shp[[0, -1]] = shp[[-1, 0]] mp_Zf = mpraw_as_np(shp, self.xstep.Xf.dtype) global mp_Z_Y0 init_mpraw_swap('mp_Z_Y0', self.xstep.block_sep0(self.xstep.Y)) global mp_Z_Y1 init_mpraw_swap('mp_Z_Y1', self.xstep.block_sep1(self.xstep.Y)) global mp_Z_X mp_Z_X = mpraw_as_np(mp_Z_Y1.shape, self.xstep.Y.dtype) global mp_DX mp_DX = mpraw_as_np(mp_Z_Y0.shape, self.xstep.Y.dtype) mp_DX[:] = 0 global mp_Z_U0 init_mpraw_swap('mp_Z_U0', self.xstep.block_sep0(self.xstep.U)) global mp_Z_U1 init_mpraw_swap('mp_Z_U1', self.xstep.block_sep1(self.xstep.U)) global mp_D_X dxshp = list((self.dstep.cri.K,) + self.dstep.cri.shpD) mp_D_X = mpraw_as_np(dxshp, self.dstep.Y.dtype) global mp_D_Y0 init_mpraw('mp_D_Y0', self.dstep.Y) global mp_D_Y1 init_mpraw('mp_D_Y1', np.moveaxis(self.dstep.Y1, -2, 0)[..., np.newaxis]) global mp_D_U0 init_mpraw('mp_D_U0', np.moveaxis(self.dstep.U, -1, 0)) global mp_D_U1 init_mpraw('mp_D_U1', np.moveaxis(self.dstep.U1, -2, 0)[..., np.newaxis])
[docs] def step(self): """Do a single iteration over all cbpdn and ccmod steps. Those that are not coupled on the K axis are performed in parallel.""" # If the nproc parameter of __init__ is zero, just iterate # over the K consensus instances instead of using # multiprocessing to do the computations in parallel. This is # useful for debugging and timing comparisons. if self.nproc == 0: for k in range(self.xstep.cri.K): md_step_group(k) else:, range(self.xstep.cri.K)) ccmodmd_ystep() ccmodmd_ustep() cbpdnmd_setdict()
[docs] def solve(self): """Start (or re-start) optimisation. This method implements the framework for the alternation between `X` and `D` updates in a dictionary learning algorithm. If option ``Verbose`` is ``True``, the progress of the optimisation is displayed at every iteration. At termination of this method, attribute :attr:`itstat` is a list of tuples representing statistics of each iteration. Attribute :attr:`timer` is an instance of :class:`.util.Timer` that provides the following labelled timers: ``init``: Time taken for object initialisation by :meth:`__init__` ``solve``: Total time taken by call(s) to :meth:`solve` ``solve_wo_func``: Total time taken by call(s) to :meth:`solve`, excluding time taken to compute functional value and related iteration statistics """ # Construct tuple of status display column titles and set status # display strings hdrtxt = ['Itn', 'Fnc', 'DFid', u('Regℓ1')] hdrstr, fmtstr, nsep = common.solve_status_str( hdrtxt, fwdth0=type(self).fwiter, fprec=type(self).fpothr) # Print header and separator strings if self.opt['Verbose']: if self.opt['StatusHeader']: print(hdrstr) print("-" * nsep) # Reset timer self.timer.start(['solve', 'solve_wo_eval']) # Create process pool if self.nproc > 0: self.pool = mp.Pool(processes=self.nproc) for self.j in range(self.j, self.j + self.opt['MaxMainIter']): # Perform a set of update steps self.step() # Evaluate functional self.timer.stop('solve_wo_eval') fnev = self.evaluate() self.timer.start('solve_wo_eval') # Record iteration stats tk = self.timer.elapsed('solve') itst = self.IterationStats(*((self.j,) + fnev + (tk,))) self.itstat.append(itst) # Display iteration stats if Verbose option enabled if self.opt['Verbose']: print(fmtstr % itst[:-1]) # Call callback function if defined if self.opt['Callback'] is not None: if self.opt['Callback'](self): break # Clean up process pool if self.nproc > 0: self.pool.close() self.pool.join() # Increment iteration count self.j += 1 # Record solve time self.timer.stop(['solve', 'solve_wo_eval']) # Print final separator string if Verbose option enabled if self.opt['Verbose'] and self.opt['StatusHeader']: print("-" * nsep) # Return final dictionary return self.getdict()
[docs] def getdict(self, crop=True): """Get final dictionary. If ``crop`` is ``True``, apply :func:`.cnvrep.bcrop` to returned array. """ global mp_D_Y0 D = mp_D_Y0 if crop: D = cr.bcrop(D, self.dstep.cri.dsz, self.dstep.cri.dimN) return D
[docs] def getcoef(self): """Get final coefficient map array.""" global mp_Z_Y1 return np.swapaxes(mp_Z_Y1, 0, self.xstep.cri.axisK+1)[0]
[docs] def evaluate(self): """Evaluate functional value of previous iteration.""" if self.opt['AccurateDFid']: DX = self.reconstruct() W = self.dstep.W S = self.dstep.S else: W = mp_W S = mp_S Xf = mp_Zf Df = mp_Df DX = ifftn(sl.inner(Df[np.newaxis, ...], Xf, axis=self.xstep.cri.axisM+1), self.xstep.cri.Nv, np.array(self.xstep.cri.axisN) + 1) dfd = (np.linalg.norm(W * (DX - S))**2) / 2.0 rl1 = np.sum(np.abs(self.getcoef())) obj = dfd + self.xstep.lmbda*rl1 return (obj, dfd, rl1)
[docs] def getitstat(self): """Get iteration stats as named tuple of arrays instead of array of named tuples. """ return transpose_ntpl_list(self.itstat)