Source code for sporco.linalg

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2015-2021 by Brendt Wohlberg <>
# All rights reserved. BSD 3-clause License.
# This file is part of the SPORCO package. Details of the copyright
# and user license can be found in the 'LICENSE.txt' file distributed
# with the package.

"""Linear algebra functions."""

from __future__ import division
from builtins import range

import warnings
import numpy as np
import scipy
from scipy import linalg
from scipy.sparse.linalg import LinearOperator, cg
    import numexpr as ne
except ImportError:
    have_numexpr = False
    have_numexpr = True

from sporco._util import renamed_function
from sporco.array import zdivide, subsample_array

__author__ = """Brendt Wohlberg <>"""

__all__ = ['inner', 'dot', 'valid_adjoint', 'solvedbi_sm', 'solvedbi_sm_c',
           'solvedbd_sm', 'solvedbd_sm_c', 'solvemdbi_ism', 'solvemdbi_rsm',
           'solvemdbi_cg', 'lu_factor', 'lu_solve_ATAI', 'lu_solve_AATI',
           'cho_factor', 'cho_solve_ATAI', 'cho_solve_AATI',
           'solve_symmetric_sylvester', 'block_circulant', 'rrs', 'pca',
           'nkp', 'kpsvd', 'proj_l2ball']

[docs]def inner(x, y, axis=-1): """Inner product of `x` and `y` on specified axis. Compute inner product of `x` and `y` on specified axis, equivalent to :code:`np.sum(x * y, axis=axis, keepdims=True)`. Parameters ---------- x : array_like Input array x y : array_like Input array y axis : int, optional (default -1) Axis over which to compute the sum Returns ------- y : ndarray Inner product array equivalent to summing x*y over the specified axis """ # Convert negative axis to positive if axis < 0: axis = x.ndim + axis # If sum not on axis 0, roll specified axis to 0 position if axis == 0: xr = x yr = y else: xr = np.moveaxis(x, axis, 0) yr = np.moveaxis(y, axis, 0) # Efficient inner product on axis 0 if np.__version__ == '1.14.0': # Setting of optimize flag due to # ip = np.einsum(xr, [0, Ellipsis], yr, [0, Ellipsis], optimize=False)[np.newaxis, ...] else: ip = np.einsum(xr, [0, Ellipsis], yr, [0, Ellipsis])[np.newaxis, ...] # Roll axis back to original position if necessary if axis != 0: ip = np.moveaxis(ip, 0, axis) return ip
[docs]def dot(a, b, axis=-2): """Matrix product of `a` and the specified axes of `b`. Compute the matrix product of `a` and the specified axes of `b`, with broadcasting over the remaining axes of `b`. This function is a generalisation of :func:``, supporting sum product over an arbitrary axis instead of just over the last axis. If `a` and `b` are both 2D arrays, `dot` gives the same result as :func:``. If `b` has more than 2 axes, the result is obtained as follows (where `a` has shape ``(M0, M1)`` and `b` has shape ``(N0, N1, ..., M1, Nn, ...)``): #. Reshape `a` to shape ``( 1, 1, ..., M0, M1, 1, ...)`` #. Reshape `b` to shape ``(N0, N1, ..., 1, M1, Nn, ...)`` #. Take the broadcast product and sum over the specified axis (the axis with dimension `M1` in this example) to give an array of shape ``(N0, N1, ..., M0, 1, Nn, ...)`` #. Remove the singleton axis created by the summation to give an array of shape ``(N0, N1, ..., M0, Nn, ...)`` Parameters ---------- a : array_like, 2D First component of product b : array_like, 2D or greater Second component of product axis : integer, optional (default -2) Axis of `b` over which sum is to be taken Returns ------- prod : ndarray Matrix product of `a` and specified axes of `b`, with broadcasting over the remaining axes of `b` """ # Ensure axis specification is positive if axis < 0: axis = b.ndim + axis # Insert singleton axis into b bx = np.expand_dims(b, axis) # Calculate index of required singleton axis in a and insert it axshp = [1] * bx.ndim axshp[axis:axis + 2] = a.shape ax = a.reshape(axshp) # Calculate indexing expression required to remove singleton axis in # product idxexp = [slice(None)] * bx.ndim idxexp[axis + 1] = 0 # Compute and return product return np.sum(ax * bx, axis=axis+1, keepdims=True)[tuple(idxexp)]
[docs]def valid_adjoint(A, AT, Ashape, ATshape, eps=1e-7): r"""Validate a transform and adjoint transform pair. Check whether transform `AT` is the adjoint of `A`. The test exploits the identity .. math:: \mathbf{y}^T (A \mathbf{x}) = (\mathbf{y}^T A) \mathbf{x} = (A^T \mathbf{y})^T \mathbf{x} by computing :math:`\mathbf{u} = A \mathbf{x}` and :math:`\mathbf{v} = A^T \mathbf{y}` for random :math:`\mathbf{x}` and :math:`\mathbf{y}` and confirming that :math:`\| \mathbf{y}^T \mathbf{u} - \mathbf{v}^T \mathbf{x} \|_2 < \epsilon` since .. math:: \mathbf{y}^T \mathbf{u} = \mathbf{y}^T (A \mathbf{x}) = (A^T \mathbf{y})^T \mathbf{x} = \mathbf{v}^T \mathbf{x} when :math:`A^T` is a valid adjoint of :math:`A`. Parameters ---------- A : function Primary function AT : function Adjoint function Ashape : tuple Shape of input array expected by function `A` ATshape : tuple Shape of input array expected by function `AT` eps : float or None, optional (default 1e-7) Error threshold for validation of `AT` as adjoint of `A`. If None, the relative error is returned instead of a boolean value. Returns ------- err : boolean or float Boolean value indicating that validation passed, or relative error of test, depending on type of parameter `eps` """ x0 = np.random.randn(*Ashape) x1 = np.random.randn(*ATshape) y0 = A(x0) y1 = AT(x1) x1y0 =, y0.flatten()) y1x0 =, x0.flatten()) err = np.linalg.norm(x1y0 - y1x0) / max(np.linalg.norm(x1y0), np.linalg.norm(y1x0)) if eps is None: return err else: return err < eps
[docs]@renamed_function(depname='blockcirculant') def block_circulant(A): """Construct a block circulant matrix from a tuple of arrays. Construct a block circulant matrix from a tuple of arrays. This is a block-matrix variant of :func:`scipy.linalg.circulant`. Parameters ---------- A : tuple of array_like Tuple of arrays corresponding to the first block column of the output block matrix Returns ------- B : ndarray Output array """ r, c = A[0].shape B = np.zeros((len(A) * r, len(A) * c), dtype=A[0].dtype) for k in range(len(A)): for l in range(len(A)): kl = np.mod(k + l, len(A)) B[r*kl:r*(kl + 1), c*k:c*(k + 1)] = A[l] return B
[docs]def solvedbi_sm(ah, rho, b, c=None, axis=4): r"""Solve a diagonal block linear system with a scaled identity term using the Sherman-Morrison equation. The solution is obtained by independently solving a set of linear systems of the form (see :cite:`wohlberg-2016-efficient`) .. math:: (\rho I + \mathbf{a} \mathbf{a}^H ) \; \mathbf{x} = \mathbf{b} \;\;. In this equation inner products and matrix products are taken along the specified axis of the corresponding multi-dimensional arrays; the solutions are independent over the other axes. Parameters ---------- ah : array_like Linear system component :math:`\mathbf{a}^H` rho : float Linear system parameter :math:`\rho` b : array_like Linear system component :math:`\mathbf{b}` c : array_like, optional (default None) Solution component :math:`\mathbf{c}` that may be pre-computed using :func:`solvedbi_sm_c` and cached for re-use. axis : int, optional (default 4) Axis along which to solve the linear system Returns ------- x : ndarray Linear system solution :math:`\mathbf{x}` """ a = np.conj(ah) if c is None: c = solvedbi_sm_c(ah, a, rho, axis) if have_numexpr: cb = inner(c, b, axis=axis) return ne.evaluate('(b - (a * cb)) / rho').astype(a.dtype) else: return (b - (a * inner(c, b, axis=axis))) / rho
[docs]def solvedbi_sm_c(ah, a, rho, axis=4): r"""Compute cached component used by :func:`solvedbi_sm`. Parameters ---------- ah : array_like Linear system component :math:`\mathbf{a}^H` a : array_like Linear system component :math:`\mathbf{a}` rho : float Linear system parameter :math:`\rho` axis : int, optional (default 4) Axis along which to solve the linear system Returns ------- c : ndarray Argument :math:`\mathbf{c}` used by :func:`solvedbi_sm` """ return ah / (inner(ah, a, axis=axis) + rho)
[docs]def solvedbd_sm(ah, d, b, c=None, axis=4): r"""Solve a diagonal block linear system with a diagonal term using the Sherman-Morrison equation. The solution is obtained by independently solving a set of linear systems of the form (see :cite:`wohlberg-2016-efficient`) .. math:: (\mathbf{d} + \mathbf{a} \mathbf{a}^H ) \; \mathbf{x} = \mathbf{b} \;\;. In this equation inner products and matrix products are taken along the specified axis of the corresponding multi-dimensional arrays; the solutions are independent over the other axes. Parameters ---------- ah : array_like Linear system component :math:`\mathbf{a}^H` d : array_like Linear system parameter :math:`\mathbf{d}` b : array_like Linear system component :math:`\mathbf{b}` c : array_like, optional (default None) Solution component :math:`\mathbf{c}` that may be pre-computed using :func:`solvedbd_sm_c` and cached for re-use. axis : int, optional (default 4) Axis along which to solve the linear system Returns ------- x : ndarray Linear system solution :math:`\mathbf{x}` """ a = np.conj(ah) if c is None: c = solvedbd_sm_c(ah, a, d, axis) if have_numexpr: cb = inner(c, b, axis=axis) return ne.evaluate('(b - (a * cb)) / d') else: return (b - (a * inner(c, b, axis=axis))) / d
[docs]def solvedbd_sm_c(ah, a, d, axis=4): r"""Compute cached component used by :func:`solvedbd_sm`. Parameters ---------- ah : array_like Linear system component :math:`\mathbf{a}^H` a : array_like Linear system component :math:`\mathbf{a}` d : array_like Linear system parameter :math:`\mathbf{d}` axis : int, optional (default 4) Axis along which to solve the linear system Returns ------- c : ndarray Argument :math:`\mathbf{c}` used by :func:`solvedbd_sm` """ return (ah / d) / (inner(ah, (a / d), axis=axis) + 1.0)
[docs]def solvemdbi_ism(ah, rho, b, axisM, axisK): r"""Solve a multiple diagonal block linear system with a scaled identity term by iterated application of the Sherman-Morrison equation. The computation is performed in a way that avoids explictly constructing the inverse operator, leading to an :math:`O(K^2)` time cost. The solution is obtained by independently solving a set of linear systems of the form (see :cite:`wohlberg-2016-efficient`) .. math:: (\rho I + \mathbf{a}_0 \mathbf{a}_0^H + \mathbf{a}_1 \mathbf{a}_1^H + \; \ldots \; + \mathbf{a}_{K-1} \mathbf{a}_{K-1}^H) \; \mathbf{x} = \mathbf{b} where each :math:`\mathbf{a}_k` is an :math:`M`-vector. The sums, inner products, and matrix products in this equation are taken along the :math:`M` and :math:`K` axes of the corresponding multi-dimensional arrays; the solutions are independent over the other axes. Parameters ---------- ah : array_like Linear system component :math:`\mathbf{a}^H` rho : float Linear system parameter :math:`\rho` b : array_like Linear system component :math:`\mathbf{b}` axisM : int Axis in input corresponding to index m in linear system axisK : int Axis in input corresponding to index k in linear system Returns ------- x : ndarray Linear system solution :math:`\mathbf{x}` """ if axisM < 0: axisM += ah.ndim if axisK < 0: axisK += ah.ndim K = ah.shape[axisK] a = np.conj(ah) gamma = np.zeros(a.shape, a.dtype) dltshp = list(a.shape) dltshp[axisM] = 1 delta = np.zeros(dltshp, a.dtype) slcnc = (slice(None),) * axisK alpha = np.take(a, [0], axisK) / rho beta = b / rho del b for k in range(0, K): slck = slcnc + (slice(k, k + 1),) gamma[slck] = alpha delta[slck] = 1.0 + inner(ah[slck], gamma[slck], axis=axisM) d = gamma[slck] * inner(ah[slck], beta, axis=axisM) beta -= d / delta[slck] if k < K - 1: alpha[:] = np.take(a, [k + 1], axisK) / rho for l in range(0, k + 1): slcl = slcnc + (slice(l, l + 1),) d = gamma[slcl] * inner(ah[slcl], alpha, axis=axisM) alpha -= d / delta[slcl] return beta
[docs]def solvemdbi_rsm(ah, rho, b, axisK, dimN=2): r"""Solve a multiple diagonal block linear system with a scaled identity term by repeated application of the Sherman-Morrison equation. The computation is performed by explictly constructing the inverse operator, leading to an :math:`O(K)` time cost and :math:`O(M^2)` memory cost, where :math:`M` is the dimension of the axis over which :math:`M` inner products are taken. The solution is obtained by independently solving a set of linear systems of the form (see :cite:`wohlberg-2016-efficient`) .. math:: (\rho I + \mathbf{a}_0 \mathbf{a}_0^H + \mathbf{a}_1 \mathbf{a}_1^H + \; \ldots \; + \mathbf{a}_{K-1} \mathbf{a}_{K-1}^H) \; \mathbf{x} = \mathbf{b} where each :math:`\mathbf{a}_k` is an :math:`M`-vector. The sums, inner products, and matrix products in this equation are taken along the :math:`M` and :math:`K` axes of the corresponding multi-dimensional arrays; the solutions are independent over the other axes. Parameters ---------- ah : array_like Linear system component :math:`\mathbf{a}^H` rho : float Linear system parameter :math:`\rho` b : array_like Linear system component :math:`\mathbf{b}` axisK : int Axis in input corresponding to index k in linear system dimN : int, optional (default 2) Number of spatial dimensions arranged as leading axes in input array. Axis M is taken to be at dimN+2. Returns ------- x : ndarray Linear system solution :math:`\mathbf{x}` """ axisM = dimN + 2 slcnc = (slice(None),) * axisK M = ah.shape[axisM] K = ah.shape[axisK] a = np.conj(ah) Ainv = np.ones(ah.shape[0:dimN] + (1,)*4) * \ np.reshape(np.eye(M, M) / rho, (1,)*(dimN + 2) + (M, M)) for k in range(0, K): slck = slcnc + (slice(k, k + 1),) + (slice(None), np.newaxis,) Aia = inner(Ainv, np.swapaxes(a[slck], dimN + 2, dimN + 3), axis=dimN + 3) ahAia = 1.0 + inner(ah[slck], Aia, axis=dimN + 2) ahAi = inner(ah[slck], Ainv, axis=dimN + 2) AiaahAi = Aia * ahAi Ainv = Ainv - AiaahAi / ahAia return np.sum(Ainv * np.swapaxes(b[(slice(None),) * b.ndim + (np.newaxis,)], dimN + 2, dimN + 3), dimN + 3)
# Deal with introduction of new atol parameter for # in SciPy 1.1.0 _spv = scipy.__version__.split('.') if int(_spv[0]) > 1 or (int(_spv[0]) == 1 and int(_spv[1]) >= 1): def _cg_wrapper(A, b, x0=None, tol=1e-5, maxiter=None): return cg(A, b, x0=x0, tol=tol, maxiter=maxiter, atol=0.0) else: def _cg_wrapper(A, b, x0=None, tol=1e-5, maxiter=None): return cg(A, b, x0=x0, tol=tol, maxiter=maxiter)
[docs]def solvemdbi_cg(ah, rho, b, axisM, axisK, tol=1e-5, mit=1000, isn=None): r"""Solve a multiple diagonal block linear system with a scaled identity term using CG. Solve a multiple diagonal block linear system with a scaled identity term using Conjugate Gradient (CG) via :func:``. The solution is obtained by independently solving a set of linear systems of the form (see :cite:`wohlberg-2016-efficient`) .. math:: (\rho I + \mathbf{a}_0 \mathbf{a}_0^H + \mathbf{a}_1 \mathbf{a}_1^H + \; \ldots \; + \mathbf{a}_{K-1} \mathbf{a}_{K-1}^H) \; \mathbf{x} = \mathbf{b} where each :math:`\mathbf{a}_k` is an :math:`M`-vector. The inner products and matrix products in this equation are taken along the :math:`M` and :math:`K` axes of the corresponding multi-dimensional arrays; the solutions are independent over the other axes. | **Warning:** This function is not supported under Windows due to an access violation error of unknown origin. | Parameters ---------- ah : array_like Linear system component :math:`\mathbf{a}^H` rho : float Parameter rho b : array_like Linear system component :math:`\mathbf{b}` axisM : int Axis in input corresponding to index m in linear system axisK : int Axis in input corresponding to index k in linear system tol : float CG tolerance mit : int CG maximum iterations isn : array_like CG initial solution Returns ------- x : ndarray Linear system solution :math:`\mathbf{x}` cgit : int Number of CG iterations """ a = np.conj(ah) if isn is not None: isn = isn.ravel() Aop = lambda x: inner(ah, x, axis=axisM) AHop = lambda x: inner(a, x, axis=axisK) AHAop = lambda x: AHop(Aop(x)) vAHAoprI = lambda x: AHAop(x.reshape(b.shape)).ravel() + rho * x.ravel() lop = LinearOperator((b.size, b.size), matvec=vAHAoprI, dtype=b.dtype) vx, cgit = _cg_wrapper(lop, b.ravel(), isn, tol, mit) return vx.reshape(b.shape), cgit
[docs]def lu_factor(A, rho, check_finite=True): r"""Compute LU factorisation of either :math:`A^T A + \rho I` or :math:`A A^T + \rho I`, depending on which matrix is smaller. Parameters ---------- A : array_like Array :math:`A` rho : float Scalar :math:`\rho` check_finite : bool, optional (default False) Flag indicating whether the input array should be checked for Inf and NaN values Returns ------- lu : ndarray Matrix containing U in its upper triangle, and L in its lower triangle, as returned by :func:`scipy.linalg.lu_factor` piv : ndarray Pivot indices representing the permutation matrix P, as returned by :func:`scipy.linalg.lu_factor` """ N, M = A.shape # If N < M it is cheaper to factorise A*A^T + rho*I and then use the # matrix inversion lemma to compute the inverse of A^T*A + rho*I if N >= M: lu, piv = linalg.lu_factor( + rho * np.identity(M, dtype=A.dtype), check_finite=check_finite) else: lu, piv = linalg.lu_factor( + rho * np.identity(N, dtype=A.dtype), check_finite=check_finite) return lu, piv
[docs]def lu_solve_ATAI(A, rho, b, lu, piv, check_finite=True): r"""Solve the linear system :math:`(A^T A + \rho I)\mathbf{x} = \mathbf{b}` or :math:`(A^T A + \rho I)X = B` using :func:`scipy.linalg.lu_solve`. Parameters ---------- A : array_like Matrix :math:`A` rho : float Scalar :math:`\rho` b : array_like Vector :math:`\mathbf{b}` or matrix :math:`B` lu : array_like Matrix containing U in its upper triangle, and L in its lower triangle, as returned by :func:`scipy.linalg.lu_factor` piv : array_like Pivot indices representing the permutation matrix P, as returned by :func:`scipy.linalg.lu_factor` check_finite : bool, optional (default False) Flag indicating whether the input array should be checked for Inf and NaN values Returns ------- x : ndarray Solution to the linear system """ N, M = A.shape if N >= M: x = linalg.lu_solve((lu, piv), b, check_finite=check_finite) else: x = (b -, piv),, 1, check_finite=check_finite))) / rho return x
[docs]def lu_solve_AATI(A, rho, b, lu, piv, check_finite=True): r"""Solve the linear system :math:`(A A^T + \rho I)\mathbf{x} = \mathbf{b}` or :math:`(A A^T + \rho I)X = B` using :func:`scipy.linalg.lu_solve`. Parameters ---------- A : array_like Matrix :math:`A` rho : float Scalar :math:`\rho` b : array_like Vector :math:`\mathbf{b}` or matrix :math:`B` lu : array_like Matrix containing U in its upper triangle, and L in its lower triangle, as returned by :func:`scipy.linalg.lu_factor` piv : array_like Pivot indices representing the permutation matrix P, as returned by :func:`scipy.linalg.lu_factor` check_finite : bool, optional (default False) Flag indicating whether the input array should be checked for Inf and NaN values Returns ------- x : ndarray Solution to the linear system """ N, M = A.shape if N >= M: x = (b - linalg.lu_solve((lu, piv),, check_finite=check_finite) / rho else: x = linalg.lu_solve((lu, piv), b.T, check_finite=check_finite).T return x
[docs]def cho_factor(A, rho, lower=False, check_finite=True): r"""Compute Cholesky factorisation of either :math:`A^T A + \rho I` or :math:`A A^T + \rho I`, depending on which matrix is smaller. Parameters ---------- A : array_like Array :math:`A` rho : float Scalar :math:`\rho` lower : bool, optional (default False) Flag indicating whether lower or upper triangular factors are computed check_finite : bool, optional (default False) Flag indicating whether the input array should be checked for Inf and NaN values Returns ------- c : ndarray Matrix containing lower or upper triangular Cholesky factor, as returned by :func:`scipy.linalg.cho_factor` lwr : bool Flag indicating whether the factor is lower or upper triangular """ N, M = A.shape # If N < M it is cheaper to factorise A*A^T + rho*I and then use the # matrix inversion lemma to compute the inverse of A^T*A + rho*I if N >= M: c, lwr = linalg.cho_factor( + rho * np.identity(M, dtype=A.dtype), lower=lower, check_finite=check_finite) else: c, lwr = linalg.cho_factor( + rho * np.identity(N, dtype=A.dtype), lower=lower, check_finite=check_finite) return c, lwr
[docs]def cho_solve_ATAI(A, rho, b, c, lwr=False, check_finite=True): r"""Solve the linear system :math:`(A^T A + \rho I)\mathbf{x} = \mathbf{b}` or :math:`(A^T A + \rho I)X = B` using :func:`scipy.linalg.cho_solve`. Parameters ---------- A : array_like Matrix :math:`A` rho : float Scalar :math:`\rho` b : array_like Vector :math:`\mathbf{b}` or matrix :math:`B` c : array_like Matrix containing lower or upper triangular Cholesky factor, as returned by :func:`scipy.linalg.cho_factor` lwr : bool, optional (default False) Flag indicating whether lower or upper triangular factors are computed check_finite : bool, optional (default False) Flag indicating whether the input array should be checked for Inf and NaN values Returns ------- x : ndarray Solution to the linear system """ N, M = A.shape if N >= M: x = linalg.cho_solve((c, lwr), b, check_finite=check_finite) else: x = (b -, lwr),, check_finite=check_finite))) / rho return x
[docs]def cho_solve_AATI(A, rho, b, c, lwr=False, check_finite=True): r"""Solve the linear system :math:`(A A^T + \rho I)\mathbf{x} = \mathbf{b}` or :math:`(A A^T + \rho I)X = B` using :func:`scipy.linalg.cho_solve`. Parameters ---------- A : array_like Matrix :math:`A` rho : float Scalar :math:`\rho` b : array_like Vector :math:`\mathbf{b}` or matrix :math:`B` c : array_like Matrix containing lower or upper triangular Cholesky factor, as returned by :func:`scipy.linalg.cho_factor` lwr : bool, optional (default False) Flag indicating whether lower or upper triangular factors are computed check_finite : bool, optional (default False) Flag indicating whether the input array should be checked for Inf and NaN values Returns ------- x : ndarray Solution to the linear system """ N, M = A.shape if N >= M: x = (b - linalg.cho_solve((c, lwr),, check_finite=check_finite) / rho else: x = linalg.cho_solve((c, lwr), b.T, check_finite=check_finite).T return x
[docs]def solve_symmetric_sylvester(A, B, C, alpha): r"""Solve a variant of the Sylvester equation with symmetric matrices. Solve for :math:`X` in the equation :math:`A X B + \alpha X = C`, where :math:`A` and :math:`B` are diagonal or real symmetric matrices. Parameters ---------- A : array_like or tuple Matrix :math:`A`. If :math:`A` is diagonal, this should be a 1d array or a :math:`N \times 1` 2d array representing the diagonal. If :math:`A` is symmetric, this should be a 2d array or a tuple (LambdaA, QA) representing the eigenvalue decomposition of :math:`A` such that :math:`Q_A \Lambda_A Q_A^T = A` B : array_like or tuple Matrix :math:`B`. If :math:`B` is diagonal, this should be a 1d array or a :math:`1 \times M` 2d array representing the diagonal. If :math:`B` is symmetric, this should be a 2d array or a tuple (LambdaB, QB) representing the eigenvalue decomposition of :math:`B` such that :math:`Q_B \Lambda_B Q_B^T = B` C : array_like Matrix :math:`C` as a 2d array alpha : float Scalar :math:`\alpha` Returns ------- X : ndarray Solution to the linear system """ if isinstance(A, tuple) and len(A) == 2: LambdaA = A[0] QA = A[1] else: if A.ndim <= 1 or A.shape[1] == 1: LambdaA, QA = A, None else: LambdaA, QA = np.linalg.eigh(A) LambdaA = np.abs(LambdaA) if LambdaA.ndim == 1: LambdaA = LambdaA[:, np.newaxis] if isinstance(B, tuple) and len(B) == 2: LambdaB = B[0] QB = B[1] else: if B.ndim <= 1 or B.shape[0] == 1: LambdaB, QB = B, None else: LambdaB, QB = np.linalg.eigh(B) LambdaB = np.abs(LambdaB) if LambdaB.ndim == 1: LambdaB = LambdaB[np.newaxis] QATCQB = C.copy() if QA is not None:, QATCQB, out=QATCQB) if QB is not None:, QB, out=QATCQB) QATXQB = QATCQB / (LambdaB * LambdaA + alpha) if QA is not None:, QATXQB, out=QATXQB) if QB is not None:, QB.T, out=QATXQB) return QATXQB
[docs]def rrs(ax, b): r"""Relative residual of the solution to a linear equation. The standard relative residual for the linear system :math:`A \mathbf{x} = \mathbf{b}` is :math:`\|\mathbf{b} - A \mathbf{x}\|_2 / \|\mathbf{b}\|_2`. This function computes a variant :math:`\|\mathbf{b} - A \mathbf{x}\|_2 / \max(\|A\mathbf{x}\|_2, \|\mathbf{b}\|_2)` that is robust to the case :math:`\mathbf{b} = 0`. Parameters ---------- ax : array_like Linear component :math:`A \mathbf{x}` of equation b : array_like Constant component :math:`\mathbf{b}` of equation Returns ------- x : float Relative residual """ nrm = max(np.linalg.norm(ax.ravel()), np.linalg.norm(b.ravel())) if nrm == 0.0: return 0.0 else: return np.linalg.norm((ax - b).ravel()) / nrm
[docs]@renamed_function(depname='pca', depmod='sporco.util') def pca(U, centre=False): """Compute the PCA basis for columns of input array `U`. Parameters ---------- U : array_like 2D data array with rows corresponding to different variables and columns corresponding to different observations center : bool, optional (default False) Flag indicating whether to centre data Returns ------- B : ndarray A 2D array representing the PCA basis; each column is a PCA component. `B.T` is the analysis transform into the PCA representation, and `B` is the corresponding synthesis transform S : ndarray The eigenvalues of the PCA components C : ndarray or None None if centering is disabled, otherwise the mean of the data matrix subtracted in performing the centering """ if centre: C = np.mean(U, axis=1, keepdims=True) U = U - C else: C = None B, S, _ = np.linalg.svd(U, full_matrices=False, compute_uv=True) return B, S**2, C
[docs]@renamed_function(depname='nkp', depmod='sporco.util') def nkp(A, bshape, cshape): r"""Solve the Nearest Kronecker Product problem. Given matrix :math:`A`, find matrices :math:`B` and :math:`C`, of the specified sizes, such that :math:`B` and :math:`C` solve the problem :cite:`loan-2000-ubiquitous` .. math:: \mathrm{argmin}_{B, C} \| A - B \otimes C \| \;. Parameters ---------- A : array_like 2D input array bshape : tuple (Mb, Nb) The desired shape of returned array :math:`B` cshape : tuple (Mc, Nc) The desired shape of returned array :math:`C` Returns ------- B : ndarray 2D output array :math:`B` C : ndarray 2D output array :math:`C` """ ashape = A.shape if ashape[0] != bshape[0] * cshape[0] or \ ashape[1] != bshape[1] * cshape[1]: raise ValueError("Shape of A is not compatible with bshape and cshape") atshape = (bshape[0] * bshape[1], cshape[0] * cshape[1]) Atilde = subsample_array(A, cshape).transpose().reshape(atshape) U, S, Vt = np.linalg.svd(Atilde, full_matrices=False) B = np.sqrt(S[0]) * U[:, [0]].reshape(bshape, order='F') C = np.sqrt(S[0]) * Vt[[0], :].reshape(cshape, order='F') return B, C
[docs]@renamed_function(depname='kpsvd', depmod='sporco.util') def kpsvd(A, bshape, cshape): r"""Compute the Kronecker Product SVD. Given matrix :math:`A`, find matrices :math:`B_i` and :math:`C_i`, of the specified sizes, such that .. math:: A = \sum_i \sigma_i B_i \otimes C_i and :math:`\sum_i^n \sigma_i B_i \otimes C_i` is the best :math:`n` term approximation to :math:`A` :cite:`loan-2000-ubiquitous`. Parameters ---------- A : array_like 2D input array bshape : tuple (Mb, Nb) The desired shape of arrays :math:`B_i` cshape : tuple (Mc, Nc) The desired shape of arrays :math:`C_i` Returns ------- S : ndarray 1D array of :math:`\sigma_i` values B : ndarray 3D array of :math:`B_i` matrices with index :math:`i` on the last axis C : ndarray 3D array of :math:`C_i` matrices with index :math:`i` on the last axis """ ashape = A.shape if ashape[0] != bshape[0] * cshape[0] or \ ashape[1] != bshape[1] * cshape[1]: raise ValueError("Shape of A is not compatible with bshape and cshape") atshape = (bshape[0] * bshape[1], cshape[0] * cshape[1]) Atilde = subsample_array(A, cshape).transpose().reshape(atshape) U, S, Vt = np.linalg.svd(Atilde, full_matrices=False) B = U.reshape(bshape + (U.shape[1],), order='F') C = Vt.T.reshape(cshape + (Vt.shape[0],), order='F') return S, B, C
[docs]def proj_l2ball(b, s, r, axes=None): r"""Projection onto the :math:`\ell_2` ball. Project :math:`\mathbf{b}` onto the :math:`\ell_2` ball of radius :math:`r` about :math:`\mathbf{s}`, i.e. :math:`\{ \mathbf{x} : \|\mathbf{x} - \mathbf{s} \|_2 \leq r \}`. Note that ``proj_l2ball(b, s, r)`` is equivalent to :func:`.prox.proj_l2` ``(b - s, r) + s``. **NB**: This function is to be deprecated; please use :func:`.prox.proj_l2` instead (see note above about interface differences). Parameters ---------- b : array_like Vector :math:`\mathbf{b}` to be projected s : array_like Centre of :math:`\ell_2` ball :math:`\mathbf{s}` r : float Radius of ball axes : sequence of ints, optional (default all axes) Axes over which to compute :math:`\ell_2` norms Returns ------- x : ndarray Projection of :math:`\mathbf{b}` into ball """ wstr = "Function sporco.linalg.proj_l2ball is deprecated; please " \ "use sporco.prox.proj_l2 (noting the interface difference) " \ "instead." warnings.simplefilter('always', DeprecationWarning) warnings.warn(wstr, DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) warnings.simplefilter('default', DeprecationWarning) d = np.sqrt(np.sum((b - s)**2, axis=axes, keepdims=True)) p = zdivide(b - s, d) return np.asarray((d <= r) * b + (d > r) * (s + r*p), b.dtype)