Source code for sporco.prox._l1proj

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2015-2018 by Brendt Wohlberg <>
# All rights reserved. BSD 3-clause License.
# This file is part of the SPORCO package. Details of the copyright
# and user license can be found in the 'LICENSE.txt' file distributed
# with the package.

r"""Projection operator of the :math:`\ell_1` norm"""

from __future__ import division
from builtins import range

import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize as optim

from ._util import ndto2d, ndfrom2d
from ._lp import norm_l1, prox_l1

__author__ = """Brendt Wohlberg <>"""

[docs]def proj_l1(v, gamma, axis=None, method=None): r"""Projection operator of the :math:`\ell_1` norm. Parameters ---------- v : array_like Input array :math:`\mathbf{v}` gamma : float Parameter :math:`\gamma` axis : None or int or tuple of ints, optional (default None) Axes of `v` over which to compute the :math:`\ell_1` norm. If `None`, an entire multi-dimensional array is treated as a vector. If axes are specified, then distinct norm values are computed over the indices of the remaining axes of input array `v`. method : None or str, optional (default None) Solver method to use. If `None`, the most appropriate choice is made based on the `axis` parameter. Valid methods are - 'scalarroot' The solution is computed via the method of Sec. 6.5.2 in :cite:`parikh-2014-proximal`. - 'sortcumsum' The solution is computed via the method of :cite:`duchi-2008-efficient`. Returns ------- x : ndarray Output array """ if method is None: if axis is None: method = 'scalarroot' else: method = 'sortcumsum' if method == 'scalarroot': if axis is not None: raise ValueError('Method scalarroot only supports axis=None') return _proj_l1_scalar_root(v, gamma) elif method == 'sortcumsum': if isinstance(axis, tuple): vtr, rsi = ndto2d(v, axis) xtr = _proj_l1_sortsum(vtr, gamma, axis=1) return ndfrom2d(xtr, rsi) else: return _proj_l1_sortsum(v, gamma, axis) else: raise ValueError('Unknown solver method %s' % method)
def _proj_l1_scalar_root(v, gamma): r"""Projection operator of the :math:`\ell_1` norm. The solution is computed via the method of Sec. 6.5.2 in :cite:`parikh-2014-proximal`. There is no `axis` parameter since the algorithm for computing the solution treats the input `v` as a single vector. Parameters ---------- v : array_like Input array :math:`\mathbf{v}` gamma : float Parameter :math:`\gamma` Returns ------- x : ndarray Output array """ if norm_l1(v) <= gamma: return v else: av = np.abs(v) fn = lambda t: np.sum(np.maximum(0, av - t)) - gamma t = optim.brentq(fn, 0, av.max()) return prox_l1(v, t) def _proj_l1_sortsum(v, gamma, axis=None): r"""Projection operator of the :math:`\ell_1` norm. The solution is computed via the method of :cite:`duchi-2008-efficient`. Parameters ---------- v : array_like Input array :math:`\mathbf{v}` gamma : float Parameter :math:`\gamma` axis : None or int, optional (default None) Axes of `v` over which to compute the :math:`\ell_1` norm. If `None`, an entire multi-dimensional array is treated as a vector. If axes are specified, then distinct norm values are computed over the indices of the remaining axes of input array `v`. **Note:** specifying a tuple of ints is not supported by this function. Returns ------- x : ndarray Output array """ if axis is None and norm_l1(v) <= gamma: return v if axis is not None and axis < 0: axis = v.ndim + axis av = np.abs(v) vs = np.sort(av, axis=axis) if axis is None: N = v.size c = 1.0 / np.arange(1, N + 1, dtype=v.dtype).reshape(v.shape) vs = vs[::-1].reshape(v.shape) else: N = v.shape[axis] ns = [v.shape[k] if k == axis else 1 for k in range(v.ndim)] c = 1.0 / np.arange(1, N + 1, dtype=v.dtype).reshape(ns) vs = vs[(slice(None),) * axis + (slice(None, None, -1),)] t = c * (np.cumsum(vs, axis=axis).reshape(v.shape) - gamma) K = np.sum(vs >= t, axis=axis, keepdims=True) t = (np.sum(vs * (vs >= t), axis=axis, keepdims=True) - gamma) / K t = np.asarray(np.maximum(0, t), dtype=v.dtype) return np.sign(v) * np.where(av > t, av - t, 0)