Source code for sporco.prox._lp

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2015-2020 by Brendt Wohlberg <>
# All rights reserved. BSD 3-clause License.
# This file is part of the SPORCO package. Details of the copyright
# and user license can be found in the 'LICENSE.txt' file distributed
# with the package.

r""":math:`\ell_p` norms (and the :math:`\ell_0` "norm") and their
proximal operators"""

from __future__ import division

import numpy as np
    import numexpr as ne
except ImportError:
    have_numexpr = False
    have_numexpr = True

from sporco.array import zdivide

__author__ = """Brendt Wohlberg <>"""

[docs]def norm_l0(x, axis=None, eps=0.0): r"""Compute the :math:`\ell_0` "norm" (it is not really a norm) .. math:: \| \mathbf{x} \|_0 = \sum_i \left\{ \begin{array}{ccc} 0 & \text{if} & x_i = 0 \\ 1 &\text{if} & x_i \neq 0 \end{array} \right. where :math:`x_i` is element :math:`i` of vector :math:`\mathbf{x}`. Parameters ---------- x : array_like Input array :math:`\mathbf{x}` axis : `None` or int or tuple of ints, optional (default None) Axes of `x` over which to compute the :math:`\ell_0` "norm". If `None`, an entire multi-dimensional array is treated as a vector. If axes are specified, then distinct values are computed over the indices of the remaining axes of input array `x`. eps : float, optional (default 0.0) Absolute value threshold below which a number is considered to be zero. Returns ------- nl0 : float or ndarray Norm of `x`, or array of norms treating specified axes of `x` as a vector """ nl0 = np.sum(np.abs(x) > eps, axis=axis, keepdims=True) # If the result has a single element, convert it to a scalar if nl0.size == 1: nl0 = nl0.ravel()[0] return nl0
[docs]def prox_l0(v, alpha): r"""Compute the proximal operator of the :math:`\ell_0` "norm" (hard thresholding) .. math:: \mathrm{prox}_{\alpha f}(v) = \mathcal{S}_{0,\alpha}(\mathbf{v}) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ccc} 0 & \text{if} & | v | < \sqrt{2 \alpha} \\ v &\text{if} & | v | \geq \sqrt{2 \alpha} \end{array} \right. \;, where :math:`f(\mathbf{x}) = \|\mathbf{x}\|_0`. The approach taken here is to start with the definition of the :math:`\ell_0` "norm" and derive the corresponding proximal operator. Note, however, that some authors (e.g. see Sec. 2.3 of :cite:`kowalski-2014-thresholding`) start by defining the hard thresholding rule and then derive the corresponding penalty function, which leads to a simpler form for the thresholding rule and a more complicated form for the penalty function. Unlike the corresponding :func:`norm_l0`, there is no need for an `axis` parameter since the proximal operator of the :math:`\ell_0` norm is the same when taken independently over each element, or over their sum. Parameters ---------- v : array_like Input array :math:`\mathbf{v}` alpha : float or array_like Parameter :math:`\alpha` Returns ------- x : ndarray Output array """ return (np.abs(v) >= np.sqrt(2.0 * alpha)) * v
[docs]def norm_l1(x, axis=None): r"""Compute the :math:`\ell_1` norm .. math:: \| \mathbf{x} \|_1 = \sum_i | x_i | where :math:`x_i` is element :math:`i` of vector :math:`\mathbf{x}`. Parameters ---------- x : array_like Input array :math:`\mathbf{x}` axis : `None` or int or tuple of ints, optional (default None) Axes of `x` over which to compute the :math:`\ell_1` norm. If `None`, an entire multi-dimensional array is treated as a vector. If axes are specified, then distinct values are computed over the indices of the remaining axes of input array `x`. Returns ------- nl1 : float or ndarray Norm of `x`, or array of norms treating specified axes of `x` as a vector """ nl1 = np.sum(np.abs(x), axis=axis, keepdims=True) # If the result has a single element, convert it to a scalar if nl1.size == 1: nl1 = nl1.ravel()[0] return nl1
[docs]def prox_l1(v, alpha): r"""Compute the proximal operator of the :math:`\ell_1` norm (scalar shrinkage/soft thresholding) .. math:: \mathrm{prox}_{\alpha f}(\mathbf{v}) = \mathcal{S}_{1,\alpha}(\mathbf{v}) = \mathrm{sign}(\mathbf{v}) \odot \max(0, |\mathbf{v}| - \alpha) where :math:`f(\mathbf{x}) = \|\mathbf{x}\|_1`. Unlike the corresponding :func:`norm_l1`, there is no need for an `axis` parameter since the proximal operator of the :math:`\ell_1` norm is the same when taken independently over each element, or over their sum. Parameters ---------- v : array_like Input array :math:`\mathbf{v}` alpha : float or array_like Parameter :math:`\alpha` Returns ------- x : ndarray Output array """ if np.isrealobj(v): if have_numexpr: return ne.evaluate( 'where(abs(v)-alpha > 0, where(v >= 0, 1, -1) * ' '(abs(v)-alpha), 0)' ) else: return np.sign(v) * (np.clip(np.abs(v) - alpha, 0, float('Inf'))) else: return (v / np.abs(v)) * (np.clip(np.abs(v) - alpha, 0, float('Inf')))
[docs]def norm_2l2(x, axis=None): r"""Compute the squared :math:`\ell_2` norm .. math:: \| \mathbf{x} \|_2^2 = \sum_i x_i^2 where :math:`x_i` is element :math:`i` of vector :math:`\mathbf{x}`. Parameters ---------- x : array_like Input array :math:`\mathbf{x}` axis : `None` or int or tuple of ints, optional (default None) Axes of `x` over which to compute the :math:`\ell_2` norm. If `None`, an entire multi-dimensional array is treated as a vector. If axes are specified, then distinct values are computed over the indices of the remaining axes of input array `x`. Returns ------- nl2 : float or ndarray Norm of `x`, or array of norms treating specified axes of `x` as a vector """ if np.isrealobj(x): nl2 = np.sum(x**2, axis=axis, keepdims=True) else: nl2 = np.sum(np.abs(x)**2, axis=axis, keepdims=True) # If the result has a single element, convert it to a scalar if nl2.size == 1: nl2 = nl2.ravel()[0] return nl2
[docs]def norm_l2(x, axis=None): r"""Compute the :math:`\ell_2` norm .. math:: \| \mathbf{x} \|_2 = \sqrt{ \sum_i x_i^2 } where :math:`x_i` is element :math:`i` of vector :math:`\mathbf{x}`. Parameters ---------- x : array_like Input array :math:`\mathbf{x}` axis : `None` or int or tuple of ints, optional (default None) Axes of `x` over which to compute the :math:`\ell_2` norm. If `None`, an entire multi-dimensional array is treated as a vector. If axes are specified, then distinct values are computed over the indices of the remaining axes of input array `x`. Returns ------- nl2 : float or ndarray Norm of `x`, or array of norms treating specified axes of `x` as a vector. """ return np.sqrt(norm_2l2(x, axis))
[docs]def prox_l2(v, alpha, axis=None): r"""Compute the proximal operator of the :math:`\ell_2` norm (vector shrinkage/soft thresholding) .. math:: \mathrm{prox}_{\alpha f}(\mathbf{v}) = \mathcal{S}_{2,\alpha} (\mathbf{v}) = \frac{\mathbf{v}} {\|\mathbf{v}\|_2} \max(0, \|\mathbf{v}\|_2 - \alpha) \;, where :math:`f(\mathbf{x}) = \|\mathbf{x}\|_2`. Parameters ---------- v : array_like Input array :math:`\mathbf{v}` alpha : float or array_like Parameter :math:`\alpha` axis : None or int or tuple of ints, optional (default None) Axes of `v` over which to compute the :math:`\ell_2` norm. If `None`, an entire multi-dimensional array is treated as a vector. If axes are specified, then distinct norm values are computed over the indices of the remaining axes of input array `v`, which is equivalent to the proximal operator of the sum over these values (i.e. an :math:`\ell_{2,1}` norm). Returns ------- x : ndarray Output array """ if np.isrealobj(v): a = np.sqrt(np.sum(v**2, axis=axis, keepdims=True)) else: a = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.abs(v)**2, axis=axis, keepdims=True)) b = np.maximum(0, a - alpha) b = zdivide(b, a) return np.asarray(b * v, dtype=v.dtype)
[docs]def proj_l2(v, gamma, axis=None): r"""Compute the projection operator of the :math:`\ell_2` norm .. math:: \mathrm{proj}_{f, \gamma}(\mathbf{v}) = \mathrm{argmin}_{\mathbf{x}} (1/2) \| \mathbf{x} - \mathbf{v} \|_2^2 \; \text{ s.t. } \; \| \mathbf{x} \|_2 \leq \gamma \;, where :math:`f(\mathbf{x}) = \|\mathbf{x}\|_2`. Note that the projection operator of the :math:`\ell_2` norm centered at :math:`\mathbf{s}`, .. math:: \mathrm{argmin}_{\mathbf{x}} (1/2) \| \mathbf{x} - \mathbf{v} \|_2^2 \; \text{ s.t. } \; \| \mathbf{x} - \mathbf{s} \|_2 \leq \gamma \;, can be computed as :math:`\mathbf{s} + \mathrm{proj}_{f,\gamma} (\mathbf{v} - \mathbf{s})`. Parameters ---------- v : array_like Input array :math:`\mathbf{v}` gamma : float Parameter :math:`\gamma` axis : None or int or tuple of ints, optional (default None) Axes of `v` over which to compute the :math:`\ell_2` norm. If `None`, an entire multi-dimensional array is treated as a vector. If axes are specified, then distinct norm values are computed over the indices of the remaining axes of input array `v`. Returns ------- x : ndarray Output array """ if np.isrealobj(v): d = np.sqrt(np.sum(v**2, axis=axis, keepdims=True)) else: d = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.abs(v)**2, axis=axis, keepdims=True)) return np.asarray((d <= gamma) * v + (d > gamma) * (gamma * zdivide(v, d)), dtype=v.dtype)