Source code for sporco.prox._util

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2015-2018 by Brendt Wohlberg <>
# All rights reserved. BSD 3-clause License.
# This file is part of the SPORCO package. Details of the copyright
# and user license can be found in the 'LICENSE.txt' file distributed
# with the package.

r"""Utility functions for the prox module"""

from __future__ import division
from builtins import range

import numpy as np

__author__ = """Brendt Wohlberg <>"""

[docs]def ndto2d(x, axis=-1): """Convert a multi-dimensional array into a 2d array, with the axes specified by the `axis` parameter flattened into an index along rows, and the remaining axes flattened into an index along the columns. This operation can not be properly achieved by a simple reshape operation since a reshape would shuffle element order if the axes to be grouped together were not consecutive: this is avoided by first permuting the axes so that the grouped axes are consecutive. Parameters ---------- x : array_like Multi-dimensional input array axis : int or tuple of ints, optional (default -1) Axes of `x` to be grouped together to form the rows of the output 2d array. Returns ------- xtr : ndarray 2D output array rsi : tuple A tuple containing the details of transformation applied in the conversion to 2D """ # Convert int axis into a tuple if isinstance(axis, int): axis = (axis,) # Handle negative axis indices axis = tuple([k if k >= 0 else x.ndim + k for k in axis]) # Complement of axis set on full set of axes of input v caxis = tuple(set(range(x.ndim)) - set(axis)) # Permute axes of x (generalised transpose) so that axes over # which operation is to be applied are all at the end prm = caxis + axis xt = np.transpose(x, axes=prm) xts = xt.shape # Reshape into a 2D array with the axes specified by the axis # parameter flattened into an index along rows, and the remaining # axes flattened into an index along the columns xtr = xt.reshape((np.product(xts[0:len(caxis)]), -1)) # Return reshaped array and a tuple containing the information # necessary to undo the entire operation return xtr, (xts, prm)
[docs]def ndfrom2d(xtr, rsi): """Undo the array shape conversion applied by :func:`ndto2d`, returning the input 2D array to its original shape. Parameters ---------- xtr : array_like Two-dimensional input array rsi : tuple A tuple containing the shape of the axis-permuted array and the permutation order applied in :func:`ndto2d`. Returns ------- x : ndarray Multi-dimensional output array """ # Extract components of conversion information tuple xts = rsi[0] prm = rsi[1] # Reshape x to the shape obtained after permuting axes in ndto2d xt = xtr.reshape(xts) # Undo axis permutation performed in ndto2d x = np.transpose(xt, np.argsort(prm)) # Return array with shape corresponding to that of the input to ndto2d return x