
The fundamental class from which all backtrack algorithms are derived is BacktrackBase.

The backtracking process is an adaptive process to find the optimal step size for the gradient descent (\(L^{-1}\)). Backtracking updates self.L until the condition \(F \leq Q_L\) is satisfied. These are defined as

\[F(\mathbf{x}) = f(\mathbf{x}) + g(\mathbf{x}) \;,\]


\[Q_L(\mathbf{x},\mathbf{y}) = f(\mathbf{y}) + \langle \mathbf{x} - \mathbf{y}, \nabla f(\mathbf{y}) \rangle + \frac{L}{2} \left\| \mathbf{x} - \mathbf{y} \right\|_2^2 + g(\mathbf{x}) \;.\]

The backtracking process is optional. It is performed when the Backtrack auxiliary class is enabled.

Classes derived from BacktrackBase should override/define the method BacktrackBase.update. The backtrack functionality is defined in terms of calls to PGM.grad_f, PGM.prox_g and PGM.obfn_f. Note that whenever both backtrack and step size classes are enabled, the backtrack class takes precedence.

Backtrack Classes

The PGM backtrack functionality is defined by the following classes:

This implements the standard PGM variant from [6].

This implements the robust PGM variant from [22].