Gaussian White Noise Restoration via SC

This example demonstrates the removal of Gaussian white noise from a colour image using sparse coding.

from __future__ import print_function
from builtins import input

import pyfftw   # See
import numpy as np

from sporco import util
from sporco import array
from sporco import plot
import sporco.metric as sm
from sporco.admm import bpdn

Load a reference image and corrupt it with Gaussian white noise with \(\sigma = 0.1\). (The call to numpy.random.seed ensures that the pseudo-random noise is reproducible.)

img = util.ExampleImages().image('monarch.png', zoom=0.5, scaled=True,
                                 idxexp=np.s_[:, 160:672])
imgn = img + np.random.normal(0.0, 0.1, img.shape)

Extract blocks and center each channel of image patches, taking steps of size 2.

blksz = (8, 8, 3)
stpsz = (2, 2, 1)

blocks = array.extract_blocks(imgn, blksz, stpsz)
blockmeans = np.mean(blocks, axis=(0, 1))
blocks -= blockmeans
blocks = blocks.reshape(np.product(blksz), -1)

Load dictionary.

D = util.convdicts()['RGB:8x8x3x64'].reshape(np.product(blksz), -1)

Set solver options.

lmbda = 1e-1
opt = bpdn.BPDN.Options({'Verbose': True, 'MaxMainIter': 250,
                         'RelStopTol': 3e-3, 'AuxVarObj': False,
                         'AutoRho': {'Enabled': False}, 'rho':

Initialise the admm.bpdn.BPDN object and call the solve method.

b = bpdn.BPDN(D, blocks, lmbda, opt)
X = b.solve()
Itn   Fnc       DFid      Regℓ1     r         s
   0  2.20e+04  1.64e+04  5.59e+04  4.13e-01  1.40e+00
   1  2.12e+04  1.63e+04  4.94e+04  1.92e-01  4.61e-01
   2  2.08e+04  1.59e+04  4.89e+04  1.03e-01  2.41e-01
   3  2.07e+04  1.59e+04  4.79e+04  6.25e-02  1.44e-01
   4  2.05e+04  1.59e+04  4.69e+04  3.97e-02  9.37e-02
   5  2.05e+04  1.58e+04  4.64e+04  2.67e-02  6.46e-02
   6  2.04e+04  1.58e+04  4.61e+04  1.87e-02  4.69e-02
   7  2.04e+04  1.58e+04  4.60e+04  1.36e-02  3.55e-02
   8  2.04e+04  1.58e+04  4.59e+04  1.03e-02  2.77e-02
   9  2.04e+04  1.58e+04  4.58e+04  7.94e-03  2.22e-02
  10  2.04e+04  1.58e+04  4.57e+04  6.28e-03  1.82e-02
  11  2.04e+04  1.58e+04  4.57e+04  5.07e-03  1.51e-02
  12  2.04e+04  1.58e+04  4.57e+04  4.16e-03  1.27e-02
  13  2.04e+04  1.58e+04  4.57e+04  3.46e-03  1.08e-02
  14  2.04e+04  1.58e+04  4.57e+04  2.91e-03  9.26e-03
  15  2.04e+04  1.58e+04  4.57e+04  2.47e-03  8.00e-03
  16  2.04e+04  1.58e+04  4.57e+04  2.12e-03  6.97e-03
  17  2.04e+04  1.58e+04  4.57e+04  1.84e-03  6.11e-03
  18  2.04e+04  1.58e+04  4.57e+04  1.60e-03  5.38e-03
  19  2.04e+04  1.58e+04  4.57e+04  1.40e-03  4.75e-03
  20  2.04e+04  1.58e+04  4.57e+04  1.24e-03  4.22e-03
  21  2.04e+04  1.58e+04  4.57e+04  1.10e-03  3.75e-03
  22  2.04e+04  1.58e+04  4.57e+04  9.72e-04  3.35e-03
  23  2.04e+04  1.58e+04  4.57e+04  8.67e-04  2.99e-03

The denoised estimate of the image is by aggregating the block reconstructions from the coefficient maps.

imgd_mean = array.average_blocks(, X).reshape(blksz + (-1,))
                                 + blockmeans, img.shape, stpsz)
imgd_median = array.combine_blocks(, X).reshape(blksz + (-1,))
                                   + blockmeans, img.shape, stpsz, np.median)

Display solve time and denoising performance.

print("BPDN solve time: %5.2f s" % b.timer.elapsed('solve'))
print("Noisy image PSNR:    %5.2f dB" % sm.psnr(img, imgn))
print("Denoised mean image PSNR: %5.2f dB" % sm.psnr(img, imgd_mean))
print("Denoised median image PSNR: %5.2f dB" % sm.psnr(img, imgd_median))
BPDN solve time:  1.92 s
Noisy image PSNR:    20.47 dB
Denoised mean image PSNR: 27.09 dB
Denoised median image PSNR: 27.16 dB

Display the reference, noisy, and denoised images.

fig = plot.figure(figsize=(14, 14))
plot.subplot(2, 2, 1)
plot.imview(img, title='Reference', fig=fig)
plot.subplot(2, 2, 2)
plot.imview(imgn, title='Noisy', fig=fig)
plot.subplot(2, 2, 3)
plot.imview(imgd_mean, title='SC mean Result', fig=fig)
plot.subplot(2, 2, 4)
plot.imview(imgd_median, title='SC median Result', fig=fig)

Plot functional evolution during ADMM iterations.

its = b.getitstat()
plot.plot(its.ObjFun, xlbl='Iterations', ylbl='Functional')