
Classes for PGM algorithm for the BPDN problem


BPDN(*args, **kwargs)

Class for PGM algorithm for the Basis Pursuit DeNoising (BPDN) [16] problem.

WeightedBPDN(*args, **kwargs)

Class for PGM algorithm for variant of BPDN with a weighted \(\ell_2\) data fidelity term.

Class Descriptions

class sporco.pgm.bpdn.BPDN(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: PGM

Class for PGM algorithm for the Basis Pursuit DeNoising (BPDN) [16] problem.

Inheritance diagram of BPDN

The problem form is

\[\mathrm{argmin}_\mathbf{x} \; (1/2) \| D \mathbf{x} - \mathbf{s} \|_2^2 + \lambda \| \mathbf{x} \|_1\]

where \(\mathbf{s}\) is the input vector/matrix, \(D\) is the dictionary, and \(\mathbf{x}\) is the sparse representation.

After termination of the solve method, attribute itstat is a list of tuples representing statistics of each iteration. The fields of the named tuple IterationStats are:

Iter : Iteration number

ObjFun : Objective function value

DFid : Value of data fidelity term \((1/2) \| D \mathbf{x} - \mathbf{s} \|_2^2\)

RegL1 : Value of regularisation term \(\lambda \| \mathbf{x} \|_1\)

Rsdl : Residual

L : Inverse of gradient step parameter

Time : Cumulative run time


Dictionary array (2d)


Signal array (1d or 2d)


Regularisation parameter

optBPDN.Options object

Algorithm options

class Options(opt=None)[source]

Bases: Options

BPDN algorithm options

Options include all of those defined in pgm.PGM.Options, together with additional options:

NonNegCoef : If True, force solution to be non-negative.

L1Weight : An array of weights for the \(\ell_1\) norm. The array shape must be such that the array is compatible for multiplication with the X/Y variables. If this option is defined, the regularization term is \(\lambda \| \mathbf{w} \odot \mathbf{x} \|_1\) where \(\mathbf{w}\) denotes the weighting array.

optdict or None, optional (default None)

BPDN algorithm options

defaults = {'AutoStop': {'Enabled': False, 'Tau0': 0.01}, 'Backtrack': None, 'Callback': None, 'DataType': None, 'FastSolve': False, 'IterTimer': 'solve', 'L': 500.0, 'L1Weight': 1.0, 'MaxMainIter': 1000, 'Momentum': <sporco.pgm.momentum.MomentumNesterov object>, 'Monotone': False, 'NonNegCoef': False, 'RelStopTol': 0.001, 'StatusHeader': True, 'StepSizePolicy': None, 'Verbose': False, 'X0': None}

Default content and allowed dict keys

itstat_fields_objfn = ('ObjFun', 'DFid', 'RegL1')

Fields in IterationStats associated with the objective function; see eval_objfun

hdrtxt_objfn = ('Fnc', 'DFid', 'Regℓ1')

Display column headers associated with the objective function; see eval_objfun

hdrval_objfun = {'DFid': 'DFid', 'Fnc': 'ObjFun', 'Regℓ1': 'RegL1'}

Dictionary mapping display column headers in hdrtxt_objfn to IterationStats entries


Set dictionary array.


Get final coefficient array.


Compute gradient of data fidelity for variable V or self.Y.


Compute proximal operator of \(g\).


Compute Hessian of \(f\) applied to V.


Compute components of objective function as well as total contribution to objective function.


Compute regularisation term and contribution to objective function.


Compute data fidelity term \((1/2) \| D \mathbf{x} - \mathbf{s} \|_2^2\).


Reconstruct representation.

class sporco.pgm.bpdn.WeightedBPDN(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: BPDN

Class for PGM algorithm for variant of BPDN with a weighted \(\ell_2\) data fidelity term.

Inheritance diagram of WeightedBPDN

The problem form is

\[\mathrm{argmin}_\mathbf{x} \; (1/2) \| D \mathbf{x} - \mathbf{s} \|_W^2 + \lambda \| \mathbf{x} \|_1\]

where \(\mathbf{s}\) is the input vector/matrix, \(D\) is the dictionary, \(\mathbf{x}\) is the sparse representation, and \(\| \cdot \|_W\) denotes the weighted \(\ell_2\) norm defined as

\[\| \mathbf{x} \|_W = \| W^{1/2} \mathbf{x} \|_2 \;.\]

While this norm is defined for any symmetric positive definite \(W\), the interface of this class only supports diagonal \(W\) in that the W parameter of the constructor is actually a vector \(\mathbf{w}\) such that \(W = \mathrm{diag}(\mathbf{w})\).

When the input is a matrix, i.e. the problem is of the form

\[\mathrm{argmin}_X \; (1/2) \| D X - S \|_W^2 + \lambda \| S \|_1\]

where \(S\) and \(X\) are matrices rather than vectors, it is important to note that \(\| \cdot \|_W\) does not denote the standard weighted Frobenius norm \(\| X \|_W = \| W^{1/2} X W^{1/2} \|_F\), and is instead defined as

\[\| X \|_W^2 = \| W^{1/2} \odot X \|_F\]

so that

\[\| X \|_W^2 = \sum_i \| W_i^{1/2} \mathbf{x}_i \|_2^2 = \sum_i \| \mathbf{x}_i \|_{W_i}^2 \;,\]

where \(\mathbf{x}_i\) and \(\mathbf{w}_i\) are the \(i^{\text{th}}\) columns of \(X\) and \(W\) respectively, and \(W_i = \mathrm{diag}(\mathbf{w}_i)\).

After termination of the solve method, attribute itstat is a list of tuples representing statistics of each iteration. The fields of the named tuple IterationStats are:

Iter : Iteration number

ObjFun : Objective function value

DFid : Value of data fidelity term \((1/2) \| D \mathbf{x} - \mathbf{s} \|_W^2\)

RegL1 : Value of regularisation term \(\lambda \| \mathbf{x} \|_1\)

Rsdl : Residual

L : Inverse of gradient step parameter

Time : Cumulative run time


Dictionary array (2d)


Signal array (1d or 2d)


Regularisation parameter


Weight array (1d or 2d)

optWeightedBPDN.Options object

Algorithm options


Compute gradient of data fidelity for variable V or self.Y.


Compute data fidelity term \((1/2) \| D \mathbf{x} - \mathbf{s} \|_W^2\).